The 1H and Insecurity

Insecurity is where the brain becomes malleable. You are being manipulated by a lot of people that have nothing to do with you, but can be reflections of you if their words hit. Let’s start with the 1H of self. The 1H is who you are, and your whole body. This is the relationship with self and the conceptualisation of what makes you, you! This governs most of your personality. Think of the Sun sign as a battery of life that keeps you alive rather than a personality trait. The Sun sign is easy to fall back on because you’re going to do what makes you shine the most, but the 1H is you without the filter of an Ego.

Now, let’s break down the 1H. The reason why life makes us feel insecure is because of this very 1H. When we look at what squares this in the chart, the squares come from your 4H, 7H, and 10H. Let’s start with the 4H. The 4H is the house of your family. Remember when they say your biggest bullies have been your parents? Well, this applies here, and with family as well. Not being comfortable in your sexuality and how you choose to express yourself (1H) tends to be shamed by your family due to this square, which is a stressful aspect. This is also why it can be hard for people to do what they want career wise, and why their family wants something different for them. This is because the 4H naturally opposes the 10H of career. In order to rectify this so you won’t experience this with your kids (if you chose to have them), you have to learn that family is still full of individualism. If they’re not harming anyone, this square can actually create a beautiful dynamic of perspective and understanding.

With the 7H, this is the house and partnerships, and known enemies/haters. The biggest reason why people are insecure is how their partner, turned ex, treated them. Some people have unhealed scars from this opposition to the 1H, and have personified this insecurity. In order to rectify this, you have to be around people that affirm who you are. If not, this will only create insecurity because you will eventually personify how your partner feels about you, which is hatred. You know the saying “People hate people (7H) because they hate themselves (1H)” this is why.

With the 10H is the house of career, and what I called it back in 2018 before everyone else started saying it, your Social Media house. Being on Social Media has ruined people’s perception of themselves. We live in an age where everyone wants to look like everyone but themselves. This creates distortion around who you are and who you truly want to be. That’s also why people are now taking on the same jobs, and the age of being a star/influencer by doing the same shit. It’s the fear that originality can come at the cost of failure, when it really comes from the lack of consistency due to the 10H being connected to the 6H. The 10H is your public image, which feeds on the collective consciousness. This is where a lot of politics and wanting to appear your best can even go against who you actually are as a person. We are on social media because we always want to be seen in one way or another, but make sure you’re using this energy to be in an energy that you actually like, showing off yourself in the best possible way.

Here’s where we get into sextiles and trines to rectify this energy of insecurity. The 1H naturally sextiles the 11H, which represents community and your hopes and dreams. The 11H is who you hope to become, and having a solid community who supports you is also why it’s so good to affirm your identity. This is why having a Gay community, a Black community, a Gaming community, and etc are all good for helping affirm people’s identities (I fall in those three categories!) Not everyone is even going to understand you, even in these large communities, but it will give you a direction on the specific types of people you like to communicate with, which leads me to the 3H.

The 3H naturally sextiles the 1H. This is your interactions and more personal communications. This is because the 3H is in the lower part of the chart, which is the more intimate/personal part of the chart. Who you communicate with more often is going to also be important because words hurt and have meaning. Having good friends that have your back will boost the self esteem!

The 1H apart of a triad. It trines the 5H and the 9H. The 5H is the house of having fun and creativity. This is also the house of love as Venus is in its joy there. This is also the house of your inner child. What you love to do and your essence as a childhood pre trauma have a direct link to who you are. If you need guidance on self, you must look there. The 9H is the house of enlightenment that I consider comes from the Darkness of the 8H. It’s the revelations that come from the 8H of pessimism. The Sun is in its joy in the 9H, which plays a role in identity in the first place by the Sun being the raison de être, which is the Reason of Being. Using this is perfect framework for establishing more truths of who you are, which is never negative, but always from a place of healing to be a better you.

My Patrons got this article and their bonus of interpretations July 30th and 31st. They’ll also be getting add ons as this will be extended upon so be sure to become a Patron (Patreon: Tai Soleil)

Interpretation for each house can be found here:

Tai 💚
