Your People Weren’t Moors Nor Egyptians. You Only Feel That Way Because You Are Ignorant.

This notion of black people thinking that being Moors and Egyptians are saving them from the perception of being poor or even normal. Black people hide behind Moorism and Egyptian roles because that helps them stray away from ever feeling like they came from “nothing” when that is in fact wrong. Black people refuse to trace their lineage back to see where they really come from because it doesn’t look expensive enough. They’re engulfed by white supremacy. Moors and Egyptians were North African, and somehow, you were taken from West Africa. The adaptation of many African cultures because you don’t know where you’re from, and you’re scared to be from the ones who may not have had the riches, but had the connection with source you are striving to have. To take on Moorism and Egyptian with this Hotep state of mind strays you further from your actual lineage. The way people would rather connect with “Black Royalty” over the riches their ancestors had to build lands and pass on wisdom as the reason to why you are here is disrespectful. You may have not came from a more assimilated, more “civilized” land that had gold and luxurious garbs, but you had Africans, maybe even Native Americans, who spent time on this land not trying to build tech, but connect with what was already there. Not all of your ancestors were artisans, but souls who connected with the Earth because that was enough, and it still is. It reminds me of when black people try to prove they can grow out their hair and speak “properly”. Cut out the respectable politics and connect with your ACTUAL people.

Tai 💚
