What Is Tarotstrology?

Tarotstrology is a system that I created based on the Golden Dawn System. The people of Golden Dawn created these cards based on 3 cards for each sign as a sort of decan system (ex. 5 of Cups= Scorpio Mars, 6 of Cups= Scorpio Sun, 7 of Cups= Scorpio Venus) and using the Major Arcana for the planets and signs, but I decided to expand on this and use this concept as a birth charting system and making combinations of cards to cover every planet in each sign! Even if your placement doesn’t have a specific card attached to it, you can use a combination of Major Arcana cards to get the same result! Here’s a chart of each placements correspondance to Tarot Cards:

More about this can be found on my YouTube Channel Tai Soleil:

Enjoy! Click on Tarotstrology Calculator on my site to pull up your chart on Astro Seek or click here: https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/tarot-astrology-tarotstrology-horoscope

Please check my Tarotstrology index as I’ve interpreted each card: Taisoleil.com/index

I also have Tarotstrology booking here: https://www.taisoleil.com/tarot-astrology-consultations

The Planets

The Sun- Sun

The High Priestess- Moon

The Magician- Mercury

The Empress- Venus

The Tower- Mars

Wheel of Fortune- Jupiter

The World- Saturn

The Fool- Uranus

The Hanged Man- Neptune

Judgement- Pluto

For Planets in Retrograde, you just reverse the card!

Mercury rx - The Magician rx

Venus rx- The Empress rx

Mars rx - The Tower rx

Jupiter rx - Wheel of Fortune rx

Saturn rx - The World rx

Uranus rx - The Fool rx

Neptune rx - The Hanged Man rx

Pluto rx - Judgement rx


The Emperor- Aries

The Hierophant- Taurus

The Lovers- Gemini

The Chariot- Cancer

Strength- Leo

The Hermit- Virgo

Justice- Libra

Death- Scorpio

Temperance- Sagittarius

The Devil- Capricorn

The Star- Aquarius

The Moon- Pisces


Know that in your birth chart, this can also apply to your empty houses. If you have an Aries 11H, you have an Emperor 11H. If you have a Cancer 8H, you have a Chariot 8H. Mix and match as please.


Aries Sun- 3 of Wands

Aries Moon- The Emperor + The High Priestess

Aries Mercury- The Emperor + The Magician

Aries Venus- 4 of Wands

Aries Mars- 2 of Wands

Aries Jupiter- The Emperor + Wheel of Fortune

Aries Saturn- The Emperor + The World

Aries Uranus- The Emperor + The Fool

Aries Neptune- The Emperor + The Hanged Man

Aries Pluto- The Emperor + Judgement


Taurus Sun- The Hierophant

Taurus Moon- 6 of Pentacles

Taurus Mercury- 5 of Pentacles

Taurus Venus- The Hierophant + The Empress

Taurus Mars- The Hierophant + The Tower

Taurus Jupiter- The Hierophant + Wheel of Fortune

Taurus Saturn- 7 of Pentacles

Taurus Uranus- The Hierophant + The Fool

Taurus Neptune- The Hierophant + The Hanged Man

Taurus Pluto- The Hierophant + Judgement


Gemini Sun- 10 of Swords

Gemini Moon- The Lovers + The High Priestess

Gemini Mercury- The Lovers + The Magician

Gemini Venus- The Lovers + The Empress

Gemini Mars- 9 of Swords

Gemini Jupiter- 8 of Swords

Gemini Saturn- The Lovers + The World

Gemini Uranus- The Lovers + The Fool

Gemini Neptune- The Lovers + The Hanged Man

Gemini Pluto- The Lovers + Judgement


Cancer Sun- The Chariot

Cancer Moon- 4 of Cups

Cancer Mercury- 3 of Cups

Cancer Venus- 2 of Cups

Cancer Mars- The Chariot + The Tower

Cancer Jupiter- The Chariot + Wheel of Fortune

Cancer Saturn- The Chariot + The World

Cancer Uranus- The Chariot + The Fool

Cancer Neptune- The Chariot + The Hanged Man

Cancer Pluto- The Chariot + Judgement


Leo Sun- Strength

Leo Moon- Strength + The High Priestess

Leo Mercury- Strength + The Magician

Leo Venus- Strength + The Empress

Leo Mars- 7 of Wands

Leo Jupiter- 6 of Wands

Leo Saturn- 5 of Wands

Leo Uranus- Strength + The Fool

Leo Neptune- Strength + The Hanged Man

Leo Pluto- Strength + Judgement


Virgo Sun- 8 of Pentacles

Virgo Moon- The Hermit + The High Priestess

Virgo Mercury- 10 of Pentacles

Virgo Venus- 9 of Pentacles

Virgo Mars- The Hermit + The Tower

Virgo Jupiter- The Hermit + Wheel of Fortune

Virgo Saturn- The Hermit + The World

Virgo Uranus- The Hermit + The Fool

Virgo Neptune- The Hermit + The Hanged Man

Virgo Pluto- The Hermit + Judgement


Libra Sun- Justice

Libra Moon- 2 of Swords

Libra Mercury- Justice + The Magician

Libra Venus- Justice + The Empress

Libra Jupiter- 4 of Swords

Libra Saturn- 3 of Swords

Libra Uranus- Justice + The Fool

Libra Neptune- Justice + The Hanged Man

Libra Pluto- Justice + Judgement


Scorpio Sun- 6 of Cups

Scorpio Moon- Death + The High Priestess

Scorpio Venus- 7 of Cups

Scorpio Mars- 5 of Cups

Scorpio Jupiter- Death + Wheel of Fortune

Scorpio Saturn- Death + The World

Scorpio Uranus- Death + The Fool

Scorpio Neptune- Death + The Hanged Man

Scorpio Pluto- Death + Judgement


Sagittarius Sun- Temperance

Sagittarius Moon- 9 of Wands

Sagittarius Mercury- 8 of Wands

Sagittarius Venus- Temperance + The Empress

Sagittarius Mars- Temperance + The Tower

Sagittarius Jupiter- Temperance + Wheel of Fortune

Sagittarius Saturn- 10 of Wands

Sagittarius Uranus- Temperance + The Fool

Sagittarius Neptune- Temperance + The Hanged Man

Sagittarius Pluto- Temperance + Judgement


Capricorn Sun- 4 of Pentacles

Capricorn Moon- The Devil + The High Priestess

Capricorn Mercury- The Devil + The Magician

Capricorn Venus- The Devil + The Empress

Capricorn Mars- 3 of Pentacles

Capricorn Jupiter- 2 of Pentacles

Capricorn Saturn- The Devil + The World

Capricorn Uranus- The Devil + The Fool

Capricorn Neptune- The Devil + The Hanged Man

Capricorn Pluto- The Devil + Judgement


Aquarius Sun- The Star

Aquarius Moon- 7 of Swords

Aquarius Mercury- 6 of Swords

Aquarius Venus- 5 of Swords

Aquarius Mars- The Star + The Tower

Aquarius Jupiter- The Star + Wheel of Fortune

Aquarius Saturn- The Star + The World

Aquarius Uranus- The Star + The Fool

Aquarius Neptune- The Star + The Hanged Man

Aquarius Pluto- The Star + Judgement


Pisces Sun- The Moon

Pisces Moon- The Moon + The High Priestess

Pisces Mercury- The Moon + The Magician

Pisces Venus- The Moon + The Empress

Pisces Mars- 10 of Cups

Pisces Jupiter- 9 of Cups

Pisces Saturn- 8 of Cups

Pisces Uranus- The Moon + The Fool

Pisces Neptune- The Moon + The Hanged Man

Pisces Pluto- The Moon + Judgement

I put the court cards under rising signs but you can do what you want here!

King of Wands - Aries Rising

King of Pentacles - Taurus Rising

King of Swords - Gemini Rising

King of Cups - Cancer Rising

Queen of Wands - Leo Rising

Queen of Pentacles - Virgo Rising

Queen of Swords - Libra Rising

Queen of Cups - Scorpio Rising

Page of Wands - Sagittarius Rising

Page of Pentacles - Capricorn Rising

Page of Swords - Aquarius Rising
Page of Cups - Pisces Rising

Page of Wands - Sagittarius Rising

I know a few people are going to ask me why the older signs are the younger cards. To say the least: The more connected you are to the universe, you have to have a strong inner child. This is why children see things others can’t spiritually. I’ll talk more about this in another article.

Ace Cards can be used to represent the house trines:

Ace of Swords - Air Houses

Ace of Wands - Fire Houses

Ace of Pentacles - Earth Houses

Ace of Cups - Water Houses


What I recommend, you can do what you want or whatever I just think this is the best thing to do based on what I created you know being great at both mediums and all:

Squares - Reverse all the cards

Opposition - Reverse one of the cards (ex. Capricorn Mercury square Libra Moon = The Devil rx and The Magician rx + 2 of Swords) or you can reverse the 2 of Swords and keep The Devil rx and The Magician upright! Up to you!

Sextiles and Trines - Upright with their aspects still being considered during the reading because the Sextile and trine are still different!

Tarot Reading

You can also use this system when reading tarot cards you pull to overlap them with a persons chart. So if you pull a 6 of Cups, look to where that would be in a persons chart, and how it overlaps. I would only recommend you do this if you’re good at astrology and tarot if you’re charging. If not, explore it anyway! You may learn a lot! Both systems should be learned in their own way in my opinion, and combined when you learned each system separately so you can have foundational understanding 💚 I may add that in Part 2 of my Tarotstrology YouTube since I didn’t cover this lol.
