All My Tin Hat People To The Mf FRONT RIGHT NEOW!! Conspiracy Astroirds in Astrology and News Network Conspiracies ✨👁✨

From an old twitter thread last year! Enjoy 💚

***Here’s the conspiracy asteroids I’ll be covering:

Kassandra (114): Where you are told something, but not sure if you even believe what you’re hearing

Sphinx (896): Unasnwered questions/Plotholes in a movie/Mysteries

Atlantis (1189): Things that will get uncovered! I cover floods from Atlantis the article before this one.

Okay so y’all I gotta get this out. Guess what’s the degree of NBCs Sun???? 9.11 DEGREES. Y’ALL.

***Edit 06/01/21 This chart was during the airing of the first broadcast show with Lowell Thomas. Had to add that in there bc I forgot where I found this degree as I lost pictures of these charts when I got suspended 😭😭😭

So as far as news is considered CNN, CBS, and NBC have three things in common:

Atlantis/Uranus aspects

Atlantis/Neptune aspects

This says a lot. This lets me know that this is why it’s easy to find tea on them, but it’s so hard to do so because we aren’t sure what we unpacked 💀

It’s like exposing information that is super deep but how can we necessarily PROVE that. A lot of these charts have 3H/8H activity which makes sense. A lot of deaths (8H) are reported (3H) here. This is a financial place where the 8H can signify where they profit from misfortune.

We can also see that these aspects that are in the chart. The 9H with Mercury and Venus are opposing Sphinx in the 3H in CNNs chart. There’s a lot you can’t really digest with these news channels because they made it to where you are more confused that you are informed.

Remember I said this? This is how news outlets do it:

***idk what this says smhhhhh it probably has to do with me saying how mfs be lying and trying to get us to believe one thing and then something contradictory comes up.

Both CNN and CBS have Mercury/Jupiter/Sphinx aspects. The purpose of news outlets is to confuse (Sphinx) the hell out of you so you can’t pin them down by them using layers of infomation (Mercury) and fragments so you get little facts and overfed fluff (Jupiter’s overindulgence).

CNN and NBC both have Moon/Kassandra aspects. With CNN there’s a moon conj kassandra at 0° which makes this aspect strong, especially with it being in the 3H while the moon is in the 12H (illusions) square moon with NBC. They made sure to throw programs in their shit.

All of these charts were perfectly timed. They for sure had astrologers working on this. This why they whistleblow a lot of stories as well. They dig up dirt too, but some shit still gets fabricated/cleaned up to soften the people. This is why the Moon/Venus is so prominent 😭

Both CNN and NBC have Kassandra in their 3H which shows me they’re really committed to misinforming the public. We know who controls the news anyway. This ain’t a democracy, you know what they want you to know, even if it seems illogical. Why people are so skeptical of the news.

All of these asteroids are aspected by Sun/Moon/Venus/Jupiter. A perfect way to mislead people and while giving them a false identity (Sun), unclear feelings (Moon), with a false reality (Neptune) under the guise (Venus) of everything being fine (Jupiter).

***Update 05/29/20
So NBC has a Dhanishta Jupiter and Dhanishta represents the Peacock! See how NBC has a Peacock logo 🤔

There’s so much that can be used when it comes to astrology and conspiracy asteroids! Whenever there’s something coming up, especially with UFO files being declassified, the things you can do with these asteroids are unlimited. Stay wondering! I’ll for sure be doing a UFO article when I look through those files.

I teach how to pull up asteroids here:

For Lies

Update 08/11/2022: We can also use these asteroids to see if someone is full of shit/lying. I’m gonna play around with this concept but Kassandra can show lying through tall tales, Sphinx can show where someone is using double speak or trying to manipulate to lie, and Atlantis can show the truth to the situation. This can def work with Horary, a divination question in the form of a chart cast. More about this here:

Tai 💚
