If Your Version of Numerology is Only Angel Numbers, I’m Going To Save You From Being Basic Bc I Care.

Numerology goes far beyond what you think. There’s a number of things to cover. What is Numerology? First off, there’s astrological correlations to numbers!

Cred to @viriyaakarunaa on IG for this chart, I used this for a long time as a reference so I wanted to share it before I started going in 💚

1: Leo, Sun

2, 11: Cancer, Moon

3: Sagittarius, Jupiter

4, 22: Aquarius, Saturn, Rahu

5: Gemini, Virgo, Mercury

6, 33: Taurus, Libra Venus

7: Pisces, Jupiter, Ketu

8: Capricorn, Saturn

9: Aries, Mars

0: Scorpio, Mars, Pluto

These numbers are the foundational builders of the rest of the numeric system!

Any number you see, addresses and all can be reduced down to one number. When you see 512 it’s not only its individual numbers, but also it’s reduction, which is 8. 512 is the power of 8 because of 5+1+2= 8. Reducing numbers is what helps you find out a lot about the energy of a building as well, in which I’ll cover in a separate post.

***Update 8/31***
Math is whopping y’all’s asses. Don’t be all offended, laugh a bit 😂 I get it! I’m not some math wiz I just got a nice calculator. I’ll help. This is how you’re supposed to reduce numbers:

512= 5+1+2= 8

999= 9+9+9= 27= 2+7= 9

If you like to get real saucy you can bring up the numbers value separately and incorporate the reduced number:

5(Mercury) + 1 (Sun) + 2 (Moon) = 8 (Saturn)

9 (Mars) + 9 (Mars) + 9 (Mars) = 9 (Mars)

***Update 8/31***

Yes. You can apply this to your chart. Check the sign of that house, even if it’s empty. Planets, how it’s aspected, etc. I’ll be talking more about how I use this system in charts as well as I go over the numbers. When I’m done dissertating the numbers, I’ll do a full guide. There’s no use in telling y’all everything now if numbers is the contextual issue.

***Edit 12/30*** Made a YouTube video covering this further, please check it out!

My numerology index can be found here:

Here’s the link to what empty houses are:

There is also Daily Numerology. The Universal day is the number of the day reduced, while the Personal Day is the total sum of a date. Credit to @viriyaakarunna for this screenshot of her newsletter. You should sign up on her site on vknumerology.com

When you see a number, always get into a habit of reducing it to find out what it means, especially if that number is calling you. When you see Angel numbers as well, get into the habit of reducing them. Think of them as ofc it’s singular entity of whatever the repeated number is, but also add them together to found out the foundation of a number, what it means at its core. You can use this to find out what you’re channeling as far as planetary energy, or doing research on what this planet is trying to help you understand about your daily life. Each number carries meaning and I’ll explain why these numbers correlate to planets in another post.

Update 11/12/2021: I’ve already been making the series so please check out my numerology index as an update here: https://www.taisoleil.com/index

More articles so y’all will stop being mean to me I have more interpretations 😭

Book a Numerology Consultation

3 Article

5 Article

777 Article

9 Article

Numerology of 1, 111, and 1111

Youtube Video on 1, 111, and 1111 Energy can be found here.

Update 11/12/2021: Subscribe to my channel (Tai Soleil) because I’ve already covered 1-4 already! Here’s the playlist:

Tai 💚
