I Know You Tired Of Being Broke Asf I Got You!!! Using Astrology To Get That Bag.

So I have this system I’ve been using and will continue to add onto as I test certain asteroids out. I started with this because I was just doing money tarot readings and I was able to give people money long term, because I’m a long term type of bitch. I only use what is solid, and ofc, I only deliver the best. Here’s the core 3 I use for the time being:

My money consultations based on this are here: https://www.taisoleil.com/tarot-astrology-consultations

Other asteroids, points, planets that I would recommend:

  • Venus

  • Jupiter

  • MC

  • 8H

  • Indu Lagna

  • Silver (5325)

  • Gold (4955)

  • Midas (1981)


  • Psyche (16)

Your 2H is where your possessions lie. The ruler of any house will always be based on what planet rules over that Zodiac which I cover in this article here: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2021/3/10/2binqnmfqs2zfgw8pfmgb9f2hxl3nv.

The 2H is about what we own, and to get what we own, we have to put in the work to receive it. The best money goals should be placed here and be willing to maintain that sort of structure, which for me, gets shown in the rest of the houses. Money isn’t specifically tied to one house either, it merely serves as a guidepoint to see how other planets in different houses effect this particular house. The 2H is the most stable in my eyes, and it serves as a place where you will maintain your wealth here. I only use the 2H because the 6H is too much about manual labor and I see the 10H is business oriented when it comes to public persona. To me, it doesn’t do very much as far as who will gain money unless these houses happens to be aspected when I do my money readings. I also don’t factor in the 8H unless the chart is being effected by that. Though, I may add this on during a later time to give people a scope of how they see “poverty” if that makes sense! Again, my services will continue to evolve as I work with more chart. I only like to put out what’s solid.

The D2 Chart is a Hora chart which basically is a chart of your money in Vedic Astrology. Just like there’s an ancestral chart like a D40 and D45 chart in my ancestor article, this is the chart of Prosperity and Wealth. You can find out how to pull up a Divisional Chart on my YouTube:

Gold and Silver is considered more valuable than actual currency, and it was always considered precious metals that can be traded for money based off of its composition alone. Gold was used during the Midas period and if you don’t know much about Midas, the “Midas touch”, everything be touched, turned to Gold. It wasn’t always good as things he didn’t want to become gold, became just that. You have to be careful though because I can see this as being an asteroid where you can give value to anything. Use this point to be mindful of what you’re creating and curating or giving value to in your daily life. Not everything is worth your energy. Gold is solar ruled, so check how your Sun is aspected and Leo in your houses is for you to understand how to work with gold as a value system. I also recommend Psyche because that asteroid actually has gold in it and has enough gold to make everyone a Billionaire 🤩 Silver is lunar ruled, which makes sense as its a bit more unstable (instability=Moons phases and mood representation) than Gold. So, check how your Moon is aspected and Cancer in your houses to understand how to work with Silver as a value system.

Please don’t hit me with that “My houses are empty” nobody wants to hear that shit especially since I broke this down in an article so you won’t limit yourself bc we don’t accept “lack” mentality over here you are great and whole now shut up: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2021/3/10/2binqnmfqs2zfgw8pfmgb9f2hxl3nv

The Part of Fortune is about that money, but it’s also more than that! It’s about you making sure that you’re gaining a living and living well! Fortune has nothing to solely do with money. You can have all the money in the world but if you’re not happy with it, what would you really gain from it? The Part of Fortune is a point that is based on Arabic Parts, which are points calculated by subtracting or adding degrees of certain planets using a formula. This is what can create parts for any sort of thing you’re looking for, and ofc, money as well and wealth Parts found in the 2H. The Part of Fortune is Lunar ruled, which means only what’s found on a soul level is what will bring you greatness. That’s why success comes when you are yourself at your purest form. Liquified. With my money readings that I do the undertones aren’t specifically about money, but about your relationship with it as well. If you’re not curating the love portion, which is most definitely Venusian in nature, are you truly happy? This is why the diversity of the chart matters, and sometimes, people’s relationship with money will vary based on the chart!

Your Shree Lagna is your personal Lakshmi, who is the deity of Wealth! Similar to the Indu Lagna but with my experience on Lakshmi, she brings on your connection with money on a spiritual level. She brings about the happiness and completion that calls for celebration. This Lagna also is for you to rework how you see money, and make sure that you’re always being taken care of when you are creating wealth. Wealth and money can’t circumvent if you’re not taking care of your skin, your body. Lakshmi has a lot to do with the Venusian aspects of life as well. There are also 8 forms of her which are called Ashta Lakshmi that deals with Wealth in many of different forms like cattle, getting through hard times, and being successful. There’s so many facets to Lakshmi! The Indu Lagna is another wealth point where you can find out wealth. You can find these Lagnas through the Cosmic Insights app, which is a Vedic Astrology app.

I teach how to pull up asteroids here: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2021/4/16/442h55frdffoctam43zp0qxnh7wt7h

I also recommend reading my article on ancestor money: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2021/1/4/8i3tahayo4o6rprn0plnuu94g1zf4f

In Greek Mythology, everything Midas touched, turned to gold! This is why things are called the Midas touch if you didn’t know. The thing with Midas is everyone would love to put hands on everything valuable, but he died of starvation due to everything he touched, turning to gold. He even incidentally turned his daughter into Gold as well! There is also a story when Midas disagreed and thought Pan was a better musician than Apollo, saying that if you don’t agree that you have “Ears of an ass”, his ears turned into a Donkey’s. He killed himself by drinking oxen blood when his barber dug a hole, told his secret, and the reed that sprouted told the story.

The lesson here is that “You get what you ask for” this is opposite to Pandora, getting something you didn’t ask for (will be covered in another post). This is great for understanding money in your chart because it helps you realize that not everything that seems worth it in the beginning, is! You may want riches, but it does not mean what you invested in is worth it in the end. Midas literally got what he wanted. He was a bit on the greedy side, intentional or not, and wanted everything he touched to turn to gold, not realizing the things he valued more than gold were being encrusted with it. Not knowing that the resources he needs to live, his food and drink, to enjoy these riches were also being tuned into gold. As the saying goes: You cannot eat money! Money is a false sense of security. The TRUE resources are your food, drink, clothes, and shelter. The rest is just extra. When you understand this about money, you’ll spend it a lot wiser. It’s not to say you cannot enjoy life, spend, and make money, but it’s to say that chasing money while not taking care of yourself will cost you in the end. That may cost you in health or even happiness. This is good for people who forget about themselves when it comes to things that they’re chasing. Chasing a bag, money, etc.

Midas and Options

Midas is all about having options. When you have money, you’re able to finance and flip things into success if you are getting the investment part right. We’ll cover that later as this falls into my 2H/8H/5H/11H cross I’ve been making. I wanna expand on Midas and update these house interpretations I’ve made based on this interpretation.

Midas being about options so anything you do/“touch” is an opportunity

The 11H is the dreams and what you wish to manifest, but the 5H is the education that comes with understanding what those dreams are, and how to create and obtain them with the manifestation. This is because the 5H is the house of learning. These houses can be also used to work on the dynamic between Venus (5H Joy) and Jupiter (11H Joy) since Jupiter can conflict with Venus. I’ll also be including house qualities.

How Midas effects each sign is on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54490774

Midas through the houses: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60775579

More will be coming as I can’t cover this in a day nor can I do a breakdown of this in a few days so be patient. However I do have a Money Service where you can get a reading done by me that covers some of these points. Add ons will cost extra due to nuance and time. Thank you so much for reading and your support 🥰

Tai 💚
