Taurus In Tarotstrology

Happy Taurus season! Today I’ll be talking to you about how Taurus manifests in Tarotstrology.

Alright again if you wanna know more about Tarotstrology, check out the index:


My Tarotstrology Chart Calculator could be found here.

To book me for a Tarotstrology reading, check here: https://www.taisoleil.com/tarot-astrology-consultations

For my budget friendly Tarotstrology Reading, check here: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=19715001&appointmentType=51351662

I also talk more about Tarotstrology + Tarotstrology Transits on my Patreon: Tai Soleil

Remember that Tarotstrology can be for Tropical or Sidereal.

The Hierophant and why it is correlated to Taurus is because of the disciplined energy behind it. Taurus energy isn’t all glamour, and it shows that with this energy, you can create a lot of things when you dedicate and focus on what you need to for growth. With Taurus being The Hierophant, it takes knowing a step further. Knowledge is key and power behind navigating earth. You cannot be an earth placement and not know the ways of Gaia. Life is nothing but experiencing, and Taurus indulges in that. Sensory types.

The 6 of Pentacles represents the exalted Taurus Moon, where this card is the reciprocation of what one has cultivated. When you accumulate a certain amount, you receive the most when you give what you can, and these moon types are givers by nature. It’s being able to know that whatever you put into this universe, you’ll be blessed with in return. Having a Taurus moon as the 6 of Pentacles means fortune comes to you in ways of comfort, but knowing that you tend to overextend or feeling a resentment for being a provider. With the 6 of Pentacles as a Taurus moon, you can also become greedy and want more, but refuse to give when that creates a positive cycle. What comes in, must come out eventually. It doesn’t always have to be about money either. When we breathe in, we must exhale. It’s about knowing that to receive more, you have to give as the 6 of Pentacles/Taurus moon. Invest, and you’ll get a return 💚

The 5 of Pentacles represents Taurus Mercury, where Mercury rules over thought processes. This can be a counterproductive process where Taurus struggles with manifesting because of feeling like they lack the resources to execute the ideas in their minds. The 5 of Pentacles represents where a Taurus Mercury can internalize wants so bad that they actually push the rewards away, instead of towards them. They’re the personification of having, but because stubbornness, they tend to think things that pushes it away from them. If a Taurus Mercury were to take on the 5 of Pentacles energy, it would mean they need to feel like they deserve just because they do the work necessary to get what they want, not focusing on the negative, pushing them further from their light. Nothing grows when there is snow.

Taurus Venus represents The Hierophant + The Lovers. This is the energy of wanting to live your best life and learn from life to create something of efficiency. Rightness that is just for them. Willing to try new things until they find out what the best thing for them.

Taurus Mars is The Hierophant + The Tower. Even though Venus is in detriment here, this placement knows what they want and goes lengths to get to where they want to be. They have visions, The plans, and the execution. If they have no versatility for a certain thing, they’ll surely learn it before asking anybody for anything 😂 Taurus people aren’t people who give up on what they want to do, but hates being wrong, and is scared of failure.

Taurus Jupiter is The Hierophant + Wheel of Fortune where these people can only learn from their mistakes. They feel very responsible for their own mistakes and nobody else’s. They create their own destiny and if things don’t work out, they learn from them!

The 7 of Pentacles is represented by Taurus Saturn. This one is pretty simple. It explains that in order for a Taurus Saturn to receive, they mustn’t overindulge to a point where they forget about what is actually priority. It’s about enjoying what you’re creating. If you’re constantly overlooking things in a monotonous way, you’re going to always find something “wrong”. It’s not about how the results look, however, what is working and how you feel about the process is what matters. For things to be long term, they must bring happiness. As a Taurus Saturn, with the 7 of Pentacles, you must put your foot down and discipline yourself on what is really important. Things usually get to the point of confusion due to negligence, not because this became something that was sudden. Taurus Saturns, use the 7 of Pentacles to help you understand what is value to you, and why are you so afraid of failure rather than experiencing. Starting over isn’t bad, but don’t mix being unsatisfied in the end, with that of failure. The process was a learning lesson.

Hope you enjoyed 💚

Tai 💚
