I Thought My Intuition And Knowledge Meant I Going To Have Much More To Say, But I Don’t.

That was the moment where I realized that a lot of the things I say, are very shorter. Down to me refining my readings as well. Everytime I speak, type a reading, it became much more simplistic. I don’t speak much anymore really, not much to say. People have to discover in their own ways, and a more simpler message with a hint of intuitive personal truth to give them is enough to guide, and more powerful to impact people. The goal is to not ramble, but to impact and start the healing process. On my road to improving my readings, I always elaborated on elaboration. This isn’t a bad thing, but with time, you’ll become more refined, more open to what you’re being told from source. Source is the source for a reason. It is the root of everything, even problems. Think of intuition as a tree, and our intuition as a perception of what we see from it. We see a tree right? The branches, the trunk, the leaves. Our intuition asks, what’s under the tree? And we see the roots. We think the roots are the foundation to a tree, and that may be right, but it’s actually the seed. An intuitive person is going to ask, where is the seed? Which is found in the taproot, the first root that sprung from the seed.Even if it cannot be seen with the naked eye, there is a knowing of how this tree came to be, down to the age of the tree through its rings. The rings of a tree tell you how old that tree is. Learning from observation and exploration creates wisdom and intuition. It’s a knowing through a recognization of not just the physical, but how your body responds to that knowing in which you’ve been given. This means going through your spirit like the tree roots. You’re not looking for the root of the issue, but the taproot that sprouted this in the first place.

Tai 💚
