Aries In Tarotstrology


My YouTube video talks about how Tarotstrology works^

Today I want to talk about more Tarotstrology. Some of this I copy pasted from an old post I had but the rest will not be that long because, a book will be coming soon anyway. Aries season is almost over, lets celebrate by talking about the cards of Aries that are represented in the zodiac!

Alright again if you wanna know more about Tarotstrology, check out the index:

To book me for a Tarotstrology reading, check here:

For my budget friendly Tarotstrology Reading, check here:

I also talk more about Tarotstrology + Tarotstrology Transits on my Patreon: Tai Soleil

Remember that Tarotstrology can be for Tropical or Sidereal.


The Emperor is Aries energy. They are master of the Kings, running a whole empire with multiple things attached to it. They have to know what call to make and what to do to get the job done. They always want to do things with the most efficiency, making sure that everything they do is completed until there’s nothing else to do. Even then, they’re still never really satisfied, wanting to take more control and make sure their future goals are being met as well.


The 3 of Wands is the Aries Sun. It’s all about having options. A lot of ground to cover, but you have the time and resources. Represented by Aries Sun, it’s about getting as much experience as possible, establishing yourself as the best and the greatest. Though, you can bite off more than you can chew. Having all of the things to move forward doesn’t always mean that it won’t come with difficulty Aries Sun, it just means more resources come with more technical difficulties. Solve them and learn from the beginning stages of your journey as a 3 of Wands. The seeker. Remember what it took to get where you are now. Cherish it and know there is more out there for you. It doesn’t stop, it only gets better. It may get more challenging Aries sun, but it will most definitely get more and more rewarding.


Aries Moon is represented by The Emperor + The High Priestess. This is because the Emperor deals a lot with knowing there is something more that needs to be done. It’s about going the extra mile to get what one wants out of life so one can live comfortably. Like a Capricorn Moon, these people are bullshit detectors for sure. If you come between them and their purpose it’s a wrap!


Aries Mercury is Represented by The Emperor + The Magician. This will help you put into perspective of what your goals are. These people are very resourceful and will exhaust every avenue until they get the results they’re looking for. They’re always looking for a way to accomplish a goal head on even if they have to bump their heads a few times to get it! Either way it goes, they never give up and are willing to keep putting their best foot forward, not changing their mind nor compromising for anybody.


The 4 of Wands is the hearth of the home. It is the heart, comfort, feeling of protection. The energy is very hearty here. You may ask yourself why this positive card is found in the detrimental placement of Aries Venus, but that’s the exact reason it needs to be there.. This card creates life. When a planet cannot get along with a sign, they end up making a biproduct of something beautiful, which is the 4 of Wands. With grueling, hard work done, you come home successful, bringing back your earnings to your family and friends to cultivate. Aries Venus is a very giving person. Always be sure to know you do not do what you do for just yourself. Deep down, you want to make your loved ones proud, for them to rely on you sometimes because you want to provide in some way. It puts a smile on your face to have a purpose ☺️


The 2 of Wands is represented by Aries Mars, which is a very quick to act placement. There’s less contemplation here, and more of a card that is you leaning towards or being inclined towards a path, good or bad. Same with Aries Mars, you can make a decision too quickly. This can cause a lot of issues. There are many ways to go about things, but only one is the clear trajectory of what you want Aries Mars. Choose wisely and consider the details and future with the bigger picture and present. Don’t make decisions on jerk reactions. Jerk reactions only set you back. This is when you forget your intentions and choose a path that no longer resonates with what the passion that sparked this in the first place. Missing the essence of fire, always trying to rekindle a flame you put out with reckless movement. The flame wasn’t big enough for you to move the way you’re moving, slow down and keep the fire building before you move any quicker. This will keep the passion going. Nothing is going anywhere like you think. And if you continue to think so, your flame will always be put out.


Aries Jupiter is The Emperor + The Wheel of Fortune. This is the busy body, always wanting to do something and can’t keep still. There’s something usually peaking their interest, wanting to explore more of what they’re already doing. They’re constantly thinking in the future for what more they can do, or where they’re trying to go. They know they have a lot options, and they’re the ones who are trying to do it all!


Aries Saturn is The Emperor + The World. This is where these types tend to work till the end, regardless of what obstacles are in their way. It can prove overwhelming if they’re always putting an equal amount of energy to things that need equity, but their mind is consistently focused on getting the job done, rather than letting life work itself out.

Tai 💚
