Virgo + Pisces: The House That Brings Irritation and The House That Brings Tolerance Part 1 and 2


When we think about Virgo, we are thinking about irritation, or irritating situations we tend to not be able to put our fingers on. This is because Virgo is Mercury ruled, and tends to get irritated by sensory information that overwhelms us, or doesn’t downright make sense. Frustrations can also come from this area, not being able to retain the information you can contextualize for yourself. When we say Virgos are known for being irritated, that’s because the Sun sign takes over our daily characteristics. The Sun is ruled by Leo, which is a fixed sign. The sun sign is our fixed, daily personality! Virgo is a mutable sign that is impacted by what isn’t there. When an Earth sign cannot point out what the problem is, that’s where we tend to have issues. Earth looks for reality, things that it can see. When Virgo cannot see the discomfort, it seems as if they’re just being irritated for no reason. It’s not that, but words, sound and thought take over the energy of Mercury, so reality in relation to Mercurial attributes is what makes Virgo energy get irritated at the slightest of details. Mercury is reasoning and knowledge, so this makes sense in this respect. The Hermit is also Virgo energy in Tarotstrology, but it also represents wanting to be alone, getting away so you can figure things out for yourself. You know how when you turn your music off in a car so you can figure out where someone’s address is? It’s because your mind is focused and needs to isolate (Hermit energy) a sound in order to use the other sense better. That’s why they say people who are blind and/or deaf have better senses in other areas, because their isolation of a certain sense will just put emphasis on the senses that are active. Because we see Virgo placements this way, we tend to forget that we ALL get irritated, but we also have Virgo in our houses as well and this can be an indication of why we get irritated. That’s why when people say “this isn’t sign specific” it’s not because we are all of the signs! We don’t have empty houses for no reason! The energy still colors that house.


Your house where Pisces is, is the house where we tend to tolerate things, or have a deep understanding for them as another variant. When I think of Pisces, I think of The Moon Tarot energy in Tarotstrology. This energy is the unknown, but it also brings a sense of comfort when things are just not moving. It’s a limbo period in your life where nothing is really happening, but also things are just progressing slowly. This can prove frustrating at times, because the square to Sag, which is Temperance, wants results from what they’re trying to make. Even as an overall energy Sag is always wanting to explore their options for what can work, and what can potentially be something to gain from that Jupiter energy. Gemini wants things to progress by establishing their place. Gemini energy relies heavily on finding out where they fit in life, and what contrasts from each other based on The Lovers. When Pisces energy can create mental confusion, Gemini rules over Mercury and squares off with Pisces.

The opposition to Virgo, which is the Hermit energy, is where Virgo always wants to know and piece things together. When they can’t, there’s irritation and frustration, which is why Pisces and Virgos can go head to head. Virgo energy deals with irritation. The Pisces are things you tend to tolerate because it is what it is/go with the flow energy. When you reach your breaking point with stagnant energy from Pisces, the Virgo in you reacts. This is the main point we are going to be talking about, so be sure to check out my Virgo post to see how this will affect you here:

Pisces is the illusion of time, whereas Virgo is what you do with your time (On a side note: Saturn rules over time). Pisces shows Virgo that time isn’t that serious, it’s relative. Pisces energy can also be where things tend to move with slowly/uncertainty in your life. Virgo energy can also help you know what to do in the meantime when things around you are uncertain. As I always say, do what is in your control! Virgo has to realize that Pisces is here to help them understand patience. You can patience for Pisces energy based on your houses. This is also knowing where you tend to tolerate things when it’s time to make up your mind. This means not becoming too immersed in stagnation, forgetting your boundaries and structure. I’m thinking about elaborating on this another day too..

Empty House article here:

For the full house interpretation, please check out my Patreon where I cover the houses Virgo is in, even if it’s empty here:

Pisces houses:

Or you can book with me to help you figure out how to understand this energy in your own chart in “Astrology Question” under my “Services” page!
