How To Gain More Context From Your Empty Houses


Empty houses in astrology are SO important. A lot of people tend to discount the power of an empty house. Empty ≠ inactive, it means you need to look at the planet that house rules. For example, if you have a Taurus 5H with no planets in it, you look to Venus to see how the 5H behaves as an addition to the Taurus energy that is in the 5H. If Venus is in the 2H, it brings color, more to the house. Discounting empty houses will only make you understand only 2% of your chart, and are you trying to understand only half of you?

9/10/22 update: This is also what we call house lords, which is the planet ruler. Let’s say you have an Taurus 5H based on the picture above. The Lord of the Taurus 5H is Venus in the 3H. You’ll commonly see lordships referred to as 3L depending on where the Lord is.

I also like to look at domicile, exalted, detriment, and fall rulerships. Idk who else does this but skskks ima get more into doing this myself more myself since I came up with the idea. The domicile for Venus is Libra so always check the co-ruled house! In the case of Taurus the exalted lord/house would be the 3H Pisces and Pisces Venus ironically because Venus is exalted in Pisces. Also, look at the detriment rulers and houses. In this case it would be 12H Sag Mars, 11H Scorpio, and 4H Mars. Fall planet would be the Virgo house and where Mercury is (2H Aquarius Mercury) This just can help you understand how this planet will interact with its opposite and clue you in on how this energy can perform (domiciles/exaltation) or underperform (detriment/fall).

The chart ruler is the Lord of your ASC. It lets you know of one of your primary influences on who you are in case you wondered what a chart ruler is.

Update 7/8/2022: Just created an empty house service to help you understand empty houses here:
