The Astrology of Uncut Gems 💎


Warning: There are spoilers so watch the movie on Netflix first if you haven’t. It’s really good and I think a lot of movies are fucking trash so yeah.

Also, here’s a preface to this I covered with the asteroids Klotho, Lachesis, and Atropos that is going to be SUPER important in this. You won’t know shit I’m talking about until you read this here:

So to start from the beginning of the movie. Im glad this movie has timestamps because it helps with this technique. I looked up the chart for the Wello Mines and I just plugged in the captial of Ethiopia in the Wello district and I got something interesting.In the time stamp it was Fall of 2010. Since this is a hypothetical time frame anyway I just used the first day of spring in the Southern Hemisphere and got Klotho in Capricorn in the 8H. The 8H is usually associated with death, taxes, and debt.In the opening a mans leg gets injured. in this very moment they also find these rare black opals. This is very 8H and Saturnian. Saturn is a “reap what you sow” aspect, and in order to gain value, someone got injured, 8H theme. There was a “loss” to gain something valuable. Also, Opals are ruled by Libra, but also Aquarius. The chart for this scene has an Aquarius stellium with venus being in Aquarius as well. Venus rules jewels as well as the sun. The Sun is in Aquarius in this very chart. Also, Leo rules over jewels, and this chart has a Leo moon.Also for this chart Howard explains how these black Jews didn’t have much but these jems have a lot of value. Another 8H theme where you find value in bleak situations. There’s usually not much in those mines as the plot insinuates. Now I’ll get into the main portion of this chart. We fast forward to New York of 2012 where things get cooking.


In this chart we start with Klotho RETROGRADE being in Virgo. Now with Klotho retrogrades this is a situation where it makes starting things very difficult. In this case it explains why Howard was hesitant to give KG his Opals. Also there is a Klotho rx opposite Mercury rx, where Mercury rx represents sudden changes. This is why it was so hard for Howard to get to his Opals in the first place. It was a Mercury retrograde in PISCES as well. Confusionnnn. Sidenote: When Howard got the opals he cut open a fish, where the Opals were stashed. Mars rules over surgery, Neptune rules over fish, and the moon also rules over Opals. This chart has a Mars opposition Neptune and Moon conj Neptune 😭😭😭 Opals (Moon) in (conj) Fish (Neptune). Also Howard is a gambler so these themes pop up with Leo placements. This chart has a Leo Mars. He’s also a jeweler which is also solar energy. Mars was Leo. A Jeweler (Leo) gambler (Leo).Also him getting that ring from a basketball player where rings are Venusian and sports is Martian with...This chart has an sidereal Aries Venus 💀


Next we get into the Lachesis. There isn’t much about this honestly it’s in Aquarius which I already explained it rules over Opals, and that’s what this whole process is about. Also, it’s unaspected. Doesn’t need to be anyway. This whole movie is about these damn Opals skskksks.Also when Demany poured juice into the aquarium...Juice is lunar...There was a Moon conj Neptune 😭😭😭😭😭😭Now we get into, Atropos...This is where it gets interesting.


So Atropos is in Pisces that’s conj Uranus and conj the Sun. Uranus rules sudden death, and the sun rules jewelers😭 so it explains why Howard dying was surprising. Also explains why Arno’s goons betrayed and killed him as well. Pluto rules over betrayal and squares Uranus.Also with sudden death there was a Mars trine Pluto 😭 Mars also rules sudden death. Also Pluto is conj Atlantis. Saturn is conj Apollon, and Arachne is rx and conj Leo Mars rx. WILD.To tie this all in it serves as Klotho in the 8H coming into play. To gain, you may lose a bit. He hit the big numbers but he lost his life in the process. His side piece inherited that money. The 8H rules over inheritance 💰I hope y’all enjoyed! Let me know if you want anything like this again where I cover rulerships and asteroids. Thank you for reading 💚 if I see any more stuff I’ll add it to my thread kskksksks.All the timing I did was all hypothetical. The movie was shot in 2018 so again they even used a hypothetical time frame. This happened to work in this movies favor. So many gems 💎Also y’all I never explained Apollon sorry sksksks so many A asteroids so to sum that up Apollon is where you spread yourself thin. It’s in retrograde and conj Saturn rx in the chart where many plans have to be made in backup. This is probably why he had to make so many plans on the rip to protect Julia from getting hurt but he got too caught up in an Arachne web so yeah all of that spiraled. Saturn retrogrades are no joke too. Reap what you sow. And Saturn rx was in Libra, where it’s exalted—
