4, 22, 444, and 4444 in Numerology: Astrology Edition
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Also I’m doing numbers in order, PLEASEEEEE check out my index for the numerology articles. If I didn’t do 6 yet, it’s on the way! Index: taisoleil.com/index
So it can be hard to fully break down why 4 is correlated to Aquarius energy. How can something be of stability be attributed to 4? Well, let’s look at this in traditional terms. So you know how Mercury rules over bother Virgo and Gemini? Traditional astrology is where Jupiter rules over Pisces and Sagittarius, as well as Saturn ruling over Capricorn and Aquarius. This was because the other planets weren’t discovered back then when these correlations were made.
To speak from a traditional sense, Aquarius is a fixed sign. It’s not as wild of a sign as you may think. Aquarian Energy (as well as Saturn energy in general) is quite misunderstood. Reason being is that Aquarius energy is not erratic at all. Saturn rules over harvests, so this is how I think of Aquarius energy. Growth is primarily due to change. Plants can put evolve if there’s no change. Capricorn brings about progress through traditional means. Aquarius accounts for the energy by creating the dynamic that we all know very well: Everything isn’t A to Z! There’s many changes that needs to happen before you get to the next stage, and that’s going to look different for everyone.
Saturn isn’t stagnant, it just requires you to get through blockages before you can move onto the next thing. This is why Aquarius energy will make you feel like you’re hit with random shit that’s in your way, but it’s really things that haven’t deal with in your life. What you think is layered is just being delivered in odd ways, because you handled that particular earthy odd as fuck in your own life. There’s a way out of your situation while still being able to get to that goal. It’s not too late.
Now, onto the other numbers. 22 shows what change needs to be had in your life. 2 is already lunar energy, which is your relationships. The 4 energy is that structure we just spoke about. Is there anything that has not been dealt with in your personal life that needs healing? Is there something that you’ve been holding in that you need to tell that person? This may be a sign to not wait too late to say something. This can blow back in your face, and it may be in a way you won’t be able to prepare for. Take this into your own hands, with grace, or life will deliver it in a way where you will be forced to change. Either self account or be accountable. You have it in you to make those changes on your own, you just have to believe that. Be confident in that energy!
444 gets reduced to 3! ( 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3). 3 is Jupiter energy, and 4 is all about structure. Understand, as I say a lot, that Jupiter and Saturn are NOT enemies. They complement each other. Saturn keeps from Jupiter from not thinking too big into an overwhelming situation that lacks structure. Jupiter keeps Saturn from getting too pessimistic. With that said, if you do feel overwhelmed, it’s time to bring structure and organization back into the picture so things can be digestible. When you are feeling too pessimistic, know that you can start somewhere, and it’ll take you far. The goal is to keep moving and bring more open minded so you can see the way out of mental entrapment that can come from Saturn.
One of the coolest examples of this is of course, Beyoncé and Jay-Z. 4 shows up a lot in their lives. Anniversary, their birth date number, Jay-Z album cover, their address, Blue’s middle name, etc. Jay-Z has an Aquarius Rahu in the 7H of Marriage. His Pada Lord of his Sun is in the degree of Jupiter. Jay-Z has his IC (A degree point in the 4H) with a Pada Lord of Saturn. Since Jyestha is ruled by a planet of Neutrality, it will take on any planets energy it comes in contact with.
This so happens to be Jupiter energy for his Sun, and Saturn energy for his IC. Beyoncé has a Vishaka Moon, which is Jupiter ruled. She also has Jupiter and Saturn in her 1H with a Jupiter rulership in her 7H of Marriage. So again, Jupiter and Saturn is very relevant in their chart. Beyoncé also has a Jupiter ruled 4H.
For more about Padas:
4 energy plays a big role in their life. In order to gain success you must have structure. This is why they are both so hard working. They dream big and work hard. Any obstacles? They account for. That’s what you can create when you put together Jupiter and Saturn energy. Even Jay-Z’s 444 album was purely about accountability, generational trauma (Saturn rules over Ancestors) and etc. I talked about this album using that 4 of wands in an old Twitter thread. I’ll see if I can find it and maybe even do a Jay-Z astrological breakdown if anyone is interested!
Beyoncé and her 4 album was the building blocks for the 4 Album. The background story of this is when Beyoncé stayed in R&B when the pop era was still running. Even though R&B wasn’t popular, she stuck with it and this birthed her Self Titled Album. 4/Aquarius energy is about sticking with what you know is right, because that hard work will soon become a trend people will be scrambling to follow. Fitting because she has a Aquarius 6H, which represents your work ethic. She doesn’t follow trends. She is the trend.
When it comes to 4444 energy, this reduces to 7 (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 16 = 7). The 7 energy is all about knowing how to navigate the unknown. The 7 energy is mystical, and Saturn does well with demystifying some of that everything. It’s similar to why Saturn does well in the 12H of the unknown. The planet is in its joy there. This is your sign that there is a way out, but it will require you to turn inwards for the answers. It won’t be straightforward. Your attitude can impact the outcome.
Let’s talk about the 4s in Tarot! The Emperor is the 4th Card which represents structure. The 4 of Wands is all about family and happiness. The 4 of Swords is about resting (which you do at home) to figure some things out. The 4 of Pentacles is about building structure and greatness to get to the next level.
The 4 of Cups is being scared of change. This is actually is convenient to what I said about the 22 energy. The 4 of Cups in Tarotstrology is ruled by Cancer Moon energy. This is the opposite energy to Saturn (Cancer energy opposes Capricorn energy), and only fairs well in comfortable situations. You can’t get to a comfy place if you’re scared to make a move! It’s not as bad as you think. Step outside of yourself for a minute and you’ll see.
For more about Cancer Energy:
And there you have it! Hope y’all enjoyed!
Tai 💚