Spring Equinox Tarotscope 💚

Here’s a guideline for tarotscopes! Not many know that there’s astrological meanings behind each card. Since it’s a spring Squinox, I’m going to be doing a tarotscope based on this chart.

These are our cards we will be dealing with today based on transits based on the first day of the equinox. We are having an:

Aries sun- 3 of Wands


Aquarius moon- 7 of Swords

Taurus Venus- Since there’s no Taurus Venus card, I decided to combine The Empresss (Venus) and The Hierophant (Taurus) card.

Capricorn Mars: 3 of Pentacles

Mercury in Pisces- The Magician and The Moon

Transits I want to talk about:

Mars square Jupiter - The Tower rx square Wheel of Fortune rx

Mars conj Pluto- The Tower conj Judgement

Right now is a time where you will be working with others to complete a common goal. This is all Cap Mars/3 of Pentacles energy. It is exalted here. It’s knowing that some things, you just can’t do alone. Now granted, there’s a lot going on due to worldly events from the Mars square Jupiter. This comes from The Tower energy as well with the Mars conj Pluto. Judgement is showing there is an awakening period happening where everyone is going through some harsh realities of what is going on in the world. We’ve reached a critical point collectively where change needs to happen in order to fully benefit. Unfortunately, you cannot rely on the collective to all follow suit, but that’s where you intelligent beings come in. We have the change to switch fate and actually create a better outcome. There’s so many opportunities to do the right thing, even you can be the example. Fate is such a Wheel of Fortune card. It is ever flexible, and you can always change fate. The 7 of Swords is the card that reminds you to keep an eye out on what’s going on. You cannot get mad that other people aren’t doing what you’re doing, instead, do this because this is your own ethics. I can understand the disappointment, but humans can be disappointing. We’ve seen this through history. Don’t try to change peoples minds, focus on you. There’s too much trying to change people instead of finding spaces where you are welcomed in, even if it is by yourself. This is a wonderful moment to show off growth. The Empress and Hierophant are here to show you the beauty in what you do. Time to see the more creative parts of life instead of the bitter realities of what life is showing you. There’s a such thing as creating what you want in life, and letting that love become contagious. There’s nothing that is more powerful than what love can create, love heals the hardest of hearts. All you gotta do is be you, a pure soul. Let go of those barriers you put up around yourself, and let love teach you how to be yourself. The Magician and The Moon represents Mercury in Pisces. I think this is a great thing to have. It’s knowing that other people can represent you in so many ways, and knowing what collective energy you no longer wish to serve. It’s about creating the independence within yourself so you can greater understand what your purpose is outside of the context of others. It also helps you understand who you are as a person outside the context of preconceived notions. It’s about creating your own world, the singularity of Aries energy. I know it sounds like a contraction for me to talk about teamwork but also independence, but independence doesn’t mean codependency either. Find people you can work with, but know when you are trying to mesh with others over your own sense of self. Sometimes, you need that break to explore alone. It helps you gain perspectives outside of your typical collective. Break free from what you thought you knew.
