Love, Venus, and Saturn


I want to cry. I feel so happy, so free. I went though a Venus square Saturn transit around this time last year and it was not the best on me by any means. I went through a heartbreak I haven’t experienced in 4 years. To feel unwanted, to feel completely rejected by someone you loved and cared about so much. Potential (and really all of Over It) reminds me so much of this moment mixed with a few other songs I listened to. I was in a new city, starting my life completely over from scratch it felt. Love life in limbo, just uncertainty. Potential represents this cathartic, and polarizing point in my life. It feels like that limbo, especially where this song is placed in the album track list wise. Going from Come Thru to this puts so much into perspective. The come down from that high to really think about who love means to me. My Sidereal Pisces Venus would think about, “who would they be?” I spent some time on Tinder, nothing serious honestly, just something to get my mind off of it. I was heartbroken. To look back at it, I’m so glad I healed. I even reconnected with this person just to realize people don’t change at all. That’s really disappointing, but I feel so much freedom. I knew the Saturn in Sidereal Sag was teaching me about boundaries at this time, but I couldn’t help but to feel like I was being punished by not getting what I was looking for. I felt like I deserved it, until I realized I kept forgetting about myself. This released around the time I started talking to someone in particular, and things ended the same way. Overall, I’m not really “mad” anymore. I’m now experiencing a Saturn sextile Venus (though a loose orb that’s getting tighter) that makes me look at things differently now. I have this Saturn beautifully sextiling my Venus, and Jupiter doing the exact same thing at this very moment in this Grand Conjunction. I could cry because I’m so happy. I went through so much of discipline myself to get myself back from the arms of people who couldn’t even properly hug me. I’m so blessed. I’m okay with being with me right now. I won’t say alone, I won’t say by myself. Just, with me. I love it. That isn’t loneliness, it’s comfort, it’s introspection, it’s happiness with who I am, it’s comfort in my own skin 💚

I lowkey wanna thank everyone for not ultimately choosing me. I especially want to thank my ancestors. They protected me from some selfish ass people, and I couldn’t fully see that until now.

Tai 💚
