Night Reading for 12/8 πŸŒ™

πŸŒ™ Night readingπŸŒ™

Cards: King of Swords rx, The Wheel of Fortune rx, The Chariot rx


This is your time to get out of this cycle you put yourself in. You are scattered, and it's time to make sense of the noise that is surrounding you. Life has its way of creating so much, that it feels like you cannot compartmentalize and organize this feedback into basic things. The reason why you aren't getting far is because you are stuck in a time loop where you aren't manipulating your results. What I mean by this is that in order to truly see the outcomes you're looking for, you must seek them by looking for where this roadblock is coming from in your life. To find this roadblock, one must look at their emotional cycle to decipher patterns. When you get sad, what do you do to alleviate that? Is there an emotional cycle you to through that you can't seem to find a healthy outlet for? Make sure that outlet is healthy for your life and will bring you forward. The only time it is you going backwards is when this isn't a moment where you're learning. So basically, there rarely is a moment where you are going backwards, just you learning! Even if you are repeating mistakes, you are only going backwards when you stop caring about your growth. Don't think you're above growing just because you blocked out your emotions. To not acknowledge them means you're missing out on potential lessons that will try to make its presence in a short amount of time. Not good. Get your wheel spinning the right way when you acknowledge and put things into perspective that will keep you on the right track. Stop avoiding. Hardening yourself only makes the energy around you dense enough to crack at that shield even more. What do you think will happen when it hits your skin?

Here's some tips from me to you:


If you're dealing with anger: Find an outlet where you can channel this without hurting others, or yourself. Do something with your hands! Start painting, dancing, angry journal, go running. Something to keep your hands from doing something you shouldn't.


If you are sad: This is the time to really put self-care into action. Take a shower, bath, brush your teeth, moisturize your body, eat a good meal, snack if sadness suppresses your appetite. I would also recommend journaling because it'll be great to get everything out. Be sure to cry it out as well. Crying is not a weakness, it's a cleansing moment.


If you are stressed: Honestly? Stress is a mix of a lot of emotions from my experience. Do whatever is listed for anger, or sadness if you want something calming.


If you are uninspired: Go outside, do the thing you don't feel like doing and watch it make you remember what your purpose truly is.


I'm proud of you, always.
Tai πŸ’š
