♡ Sex Tarot Reading for December ♡

♡ Sex Tarot Reading ♡

9 of Swords, The Fool rx, and Queen of Pentacles

To be truly sexy, one must claim it, and not be so scared of it. It's to know that one must go beyond insecurities and shame to seek real pleasure. It's to be secure in ones sexuality. I sense a lot of people using sex to cope with anxieties or any sort of lack they feel in their lives. To others, you may be struggling with your sexuality, or you're not confident with sex. You feel you need to give in order to gain, but you are going about it unproductively. Sex is give and take, yes, but you are giving out of fear. Fear based sex doesn't go away with an orgasm, in fact, it can amplify those feelings when you finally cum back to your senses. It's not worth that type of energy if you cannot transmute that orgasm into freedom. Some of you feel if you give your last, someone will appreciate that, but what are they giving you? Why is it you always making you sure you're secure with yourself. Why doesn't this person make you feel wanted? Why are you settling for so little? Some of you are hesitating because you aren't used to changes. Many of you are in the closet and really want to explore. I feel this is a great time to do so and let that security blanket go. Enjoy yourself. You are settling when you do not go after what you sexually deserve. This also makes sense because it is winter time and many crave that comfort and warmth the Queen of Pentacles has. It shields them from how cold and icy the 9 of Swords gets. Make sure you are warming yourself and stoke that fire, not burn yourself in the process. Melt into this. For every one of you and your unique situations, it's time to step out of ignorance. You have been playing oblivious when it comes to your sexual power for a minute, and are wasting your potency for low vibrations that are making it worse. Sex is better when you let go and enjoy. It's time to explore your likes and dislikes and NOT settling. You know your body better and it shouldn't be hard for you to communicate that to other people. You aren't being selfish enough. Know the value of your orgasm and the value of the person attached to that: you. Use other forms to cope with your anxieties. Sex and masturbation drains energy, not replenish. Too much of a good thing can be toxic. There's other ways to channel your worries. Leave the sex for pleasure. When you keep associating sex with negative shit, it becomes negative.
