Dark Side of Capricorn


Capricorn draws many depictions as the sign of the goat. It can be seen as Pan like or a very "demonic" figure like the one on the right which is Satan, both by Goya. The one we call the devil sees all sides, and plays both sides very well. Capricorns are the devils advocate.


Let's take a closer look, the Goat depiction is supposed to be an oak tree. Oak trees in Wicca represent the sun god. Who is this sun God? Pan.


Oak trees also represent immortality, fertility, perseverance, the essence of nature/life, and survival. Goats scale walls with no problems at all. Capricorns are known for setting a goal and seeing it through.


"Tai there's dead babies" I'm aware, this was my face when I took a closer look. Well you know how I said immortality and fertility right? In many legends, the devil would eat babies as a sacrifice, I know right? First cronos now this bitch eating babies too.


This kind of child sacrifice is called Moloch. Moloch requires 7 things: An Ox, Sheep, Flour, Turtle Doves, a Calf, Ram, and a baby. What do all of these have in common? Well, a lot:

• Ox (Earth in Chinese Zodiac)

• Sheep (Can be a Goat in the Chinese Zodiac, but also Earth)

• Turtle doves breed during spring season

• Flour (I honestly just think it's a play on "Flower")

• Ram (Aries, but spring season!)

• Baby (Birthed from the mother/Venus/Taurus/Earth)

These all go in 7 slots to be burned. If the theoretical earth took 7 days to be made, it should take 7 of something to metaphorically destroy whatever it is. Moloch has EVERYTHING to do with Cronos and the depiction Goya painted of Saturn eating those kids, I'll link y'all to my thread at the end of the thread bc twitter ain't letting me cut and paste. But that thread will help a heap with understanding the eating metaphor. But to sum it up: the baby eating is still a metaphor for the "robbing of innocence" and using new life, as a life force. That's the opposite effect. The Capricorn energy is the creation of the tangible (Earth) and the Saturn aspect is the destroying of the tangible (a child).

That's why Capricorn is so earthy. All depictions of Capricorn have a naturistic setting. They do value growth, just in a more realistic way, and those effects causes them to mature earlier than others, the shedding of their immaturity. But back to mister devil Cappie. He takes on MANY forms. Pan (Right) and Baphomet (Left) It's hard to keep up if you don't know. Even I'm like "so he's just fake asf" HE'S EVERYWHERE. The fact y'all think Capricorn is boring baffles me. The most INTERESTING sign. But this is where it gets interesting...


There's a waxing moon. Meaning the building of strength, providing change for growth. This is right before the new moon, the moon where you start fresh. This applies to the traits of Capricorn very well.


Another thing about the depiction of Capricorn, his dick is always out. I mean literally, always out. He slept with anything with a pulse (Check out his body count...I mean it when I say anything with a pulse). A seducer. Pan was bisexual. Often depicted with men and women.


Baphomet has a serpant like penis with breasts. Androgynous king, wow. Really I don't even think Baphomet has a specific gender because really they're everything in one. Pan is primal. Capricorns have a very lusty nature, but they don't show it. That's where they get misunderstood as boring. I think the reason why is because it's a defense mechanism. Their "boring" is a defense mechanism. They also see y'all as incapable of their energy.

Pan being in the woods and plays the banpipes alone is isolation. Notice how when we see him, he is either alone or calling shots from the shadows. Capricorns know more than what they let on. They just don't always need to let YOU know until the time is right.


Satan was also very primal. These gatherings you saw and the ones pictured are called Witches Sabbaths, which was worship of the devil himself. Orgies and other things were used to honor his name. Why sex is so important in Satanism.


Speaking of Satanism, their energy is Capricorn like. It's Earthy in a way that it pertains to the tangible world than the outworldly things that we cannot see. The main focal point is to become ones own God in the flesh, and use your own resources (your energy) to embody that. The inverted pentacle represents the manipulative force of nature in my observation. Instead of relying so much on biblical things, it draws the attention towards what you can do as a human being with the tools that you have. You come before anybody.


With these particular Goya paintings, it shows fear. Fear of being lead astray on their own, fearing the unknown and looking for something to grasp onto. Living in ignorance. They all fear him, but he's really nothing to be afraid of.


Capricorns draw a stark parallel to the Devil, they didn't make you do anything you didn't want to do. Those witches had the option to go to the Sabbath, those weren't forced. But the regret sets in when they didn't understand their own free will. The man and woman got loose ass chains on them in this Tarot card, which rules Capricorn. They can easily unchain and tell him to fuck off. They fear leaving, but they are suffering where they are.


Nobody is forcing anything, this is why Capricorn is always the ringleader of something. They play on pure weakness if angered so if anything goes down their favorite word is "nobody said you had to do it" I mean, they are kinda right. This woman right here is not with the games at all. And the devil really isn't doing much of anything. So that can automatically tell you the free will that can actually happen when it comes to them.


And no I'm not a Satanist but tbh he ain't that bad imo. He be chillin. If you ever see Satan/The Devil/Baphomet/Pan/Cronos in a dream or sense anything: This means that he is playing chess, and you are playing checkers. He's ready to get over on you, but you can outsmart him...if you're willing to learn chess.

***Adding 11/19/21***
So I already been known about this but The Devil is also the Neo Cortex, what this means is that the part of the brain that convinces you that an evil energy did something is merely the Neo Cortex telling you something outside of your own control caused this. Now, this isn’t to negate the supernatural of course, but it’s to stir up the question: How will you take control of what seems to be out of control or caused by something. Taking a page out of The Devil represented by Capricorn in Tarot, it’s easy to escape temptation or evil when you have the willpower to be brighter and better than fear, temptation, and evil.

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