Sidereal Scorpio

2/7/2024 @ 12:45pm

Yebba’s Heartbreak was made by a Sidereal Scorpio Venus. After her mother took her life, she wrote about that death. Scorpio is the representation of death. She was able to capture that essence. The heartbreak was found within death. She showed how love is immortal.

5/14/2023 @ 6:15pm

Aaliyah’s Sidereal Scorpio Venus + Leo Moon was so real fa this lmfaooo.

8/4/23 @ 8:40pm

Being a Sidereal Scorpio is having so many deep profound ideas it hurts and you gotta do everything you can to make sure it is felt by others on the level you feel it and you feel frantic you NEED to do this.

8/14/23 @ 6:25pm

“Sidereal Scorpio” and “unproblematic” doesn’t exist I’m sawry. We may not be the problem all the time but we are not innocent.

8/14/23 @ 8:15pm

Scorpio, the passive side of Mars. Doesn’t mean nothing’s happening. The 8H is internal genitals. The uterine lining sheds during the menstrual cycle. The bleed. (How it can feel and sound like war down there sksksk). All symbolizes Scorpio. If the womb doesn’t bear life through Venus, it will shed through Mars.

We start to understand more why the Moon is exalted by Taurus. It loves Venus due to co creation. The Cancer ♋️ symbol is the eggs. We then start to understand why the Moon falls in Scorpio. Because the womb is less likely to bear life when one is shedding, bleeding, their uterine lining. Crabs molt, but more so represents the womb cycle as a whole as the crab had to rethicken their shell. A person has to rethicken their uterus.

We then see why Aries (Mars) is exalted by the Sun, because it holds a space for the sperm to move to the egg. Mars soldiers that are in multiples to supply one egg. Leo symbol looks like sperm. We then see why the Sun falls in Libra, because Libra is an energy that seeks peace and rest (you’ll through the 4 of Swords in Tarotstrology). Not movement towards the egg, the objective, with urgency.

In my Patreon post I talk about Meiosis. Now you’re probably asking me “Tai if cells are split apart, then why does Gemini come first, then Cancer” well! If you look at the stages of Meiosis, centrioles divide to form opposite poles of a cell. But see how these opposites are still intact before cell division? Think of that as Gemini, separate, but not individual. As it’s twins. The symbol is united ♊️ and Gemini is polarity. Cancer is an individual person, but separate through the Cancer symbol ♋️

8/10/23 @ 1:57pm

You think you’re a step ahead and the Sidereal Scorpio already in another country. Please.

03/15/23 @ 11:00am

Most times a Sidereal Scorpio had their silence and inactivity taken advantage of too many times that it turns into destruction and anger. Mars is blue flame. Ketu is purple flame. Heat that is hotter than red, yellow, and orange flame. Stop the madness and the madness will stop.

As a Sidereal Scorpio: When I want to engage with someone having conflict with me, I welcome it, confidently. Don’t step to me at any capacity thinking you’re just going to get away. I’m not stopping till I’m done. You’re on my time. You are on borrowed time.

If I don’t do anything? If I don’t speak? You better sleep with one eye open. Show me how alert you are.

03/11/23 @ 2:32pm

Being Sidereal Scorpio and having a connection with our dead is really interesting. We are the first to really understand the concept of death and how that works. I mean, we are the Death card in Tarotstrology.

12/8/22 @ 3:17pm

Sidereal Scorpio gon always have an edge in presence because of Ketu Co-Rulership. It’s just always gonna give b*tch to certain people. Mars definitely doesn’t help the situation. Nor if you have Saturn/Mercury Nak from Scorpio.

8/18/22 @ 7:28am

Scorpios, intensity is the only way we will understand the true importance of something. Death, 5, 6, and 7 of Cups in Scorpio Tarotstrology represent tough spots that give us the same quick impact as an Aries if we embrace the change to turn the tide and take back control.

It’s just gonna be, like that. People don’t get it outside of our water counterparts, ESPECIALLY Pisces. Is what it is. Walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death wasn’t a journey taken with others.
