All About Mars

A collection of my archives

More about Mars energy can be found here:

Aries Tarotstrology

Scorpio Tarotstrology

Scorpio + Transformation



The 8H of Sextrology — Tai Soleil

A Sidereal Scorpio gon move in silence while the Sidereal Aries moving loud as shit for NO reason. Don’t talk. Just do! Don’t spend your energy tryna get it out. It’s misplaced. Put the restlessness into the goal.

A Martian woman’s life is a lonely one. Nobody gets it like other Martians. Biggest issue is a Martian woman can be self destructive to herself and those around her if she doesn’t understand her power. The catty shit isn’t for you. You gotta move like a boss 99% of the time.

As a Martian as soon as shit gets too catty I’m immediately above it and I’m removing myself. It’s too feminine for me and I’m not a fan. It’s unproductive.

Sidereal Aries women, I don’t know too many of them to judge but sometimes I feel their extroversion can be better used towards wearing down an issue until it’s no longer there. Your happiness is found in what you do now. Not what you waste your energy on.

Sidereal Scorpio women can be too quiet in our Martian energy. It’s a level of uncertainty. When you do make a move, it can be emotionally charged with no clarity on why. It’s just visceral. That’s not a bad thing, but you need to know why. Some moves you cannot take back.

While this can apply to Sidereal Aries, I’m not applying that with them. At this point, they should know that by now when they take immediate action. Sidereal Scorpio women will brew on a situation and can make a move based on emotion when something changes our course of action that contrasts our plans. It’s like a “I give up everything gotta go.” When there were things that can be salvaged. Gather everything of value then let everything else go.

Mars finds joy in the 6H for a reason, so that means we can get a glimpse of Ketu, the co-ruler of Scorpio. The 6H is the place where you do things you don’t want to do. Ketu is the energy that delivers painful truths.

The truth shouldn’t always be spoken. The ones that get it, get it. This is why I think Ketu does well with occult, and why Scorpio is considered the occult sign between Mars and Ketu. Scorpio is secretive because they know people don’t get it. Why do you think occult is secretive? It locks people out because if people really knew, they’d lose their minds. This is why shadow work can be a mind losing concept. Ketu isn’t headless for no reason.

Being a Sidereal Martian woman, you need to know your position is a powerful one. Do not date a man you are better than. If he doesn’t know his position you’re always going to fall victim to what he says. Most men are going to be jealous of your success so tread lightly.

If you’re a gay Martian (which most of us are daddy anyway let’s be real) be careful of them masc types that mad you wanna be independent. Red flag. For anybody that you date, you need to make sure that person is comfortable with their own status. Watch out for the lowkey jealousy shit like “Big money” and etc. Anyone trying to strip you of independence is putting you in a situation of control. You are not Venusian, you’re not meant to be moving socially to win. You can be boxed in.

Sidereal Martian women to me are Lilith coded. But if you’re a Martian woman who primarily deals with men, or you’re someone who has problems with your independence and dignity, your Lilith lines will always blur.

And that’s the consequence. Do you become single or do you tolerate that man? That’s a woman’s experience, but a Martian straight/bi/pan woman deals with this to an extent where she’s now compromising and trying to force something that’s going to eventually make her unhappy.

I’ve seen Mars women fold bc “maybe I’m trippin/I am too harsh” just for that man or person to have you take your walls down. In removing the walls, they can say they were the first to conquer you and exploit your weaknesses. People want to dominate Martian women.

Even if you’re a woman, there’s a possibility stud you date gon be mad she’s not in control. The fem can want more from you and not give back when she has the means to. It’s a slippery scale and I’ve been on both sides of it. I had to be more picky.

Final notes:

Although I think Lilith is Mars coded, I also think that can be finicky and there’s too many women who aren’t embodying the energy. So, this discussion will always be inconclusive to me.


More about the Moon = Lust here:

Scorpio, the passive side of Mars. Doesn’t mean nothing’s happening. The 8H is internal genitals. The uterine lining sheds during the menstrual cycle. The bleed. (How it can feel and sound like war down there sksksk). All symbolizes Scorpio. If the womb doesn’t bear life through Venus, it will shed through Mars.

In Vedic Mars is CELIBATE. Read my bio. I am not a western astrologer. Venus is sexuality as well as the Kama houses of 3H, 7H, 11H. Those are the houses to check as well when it comes to sex in VEDIC. The Moon is Lusty. Mars gets weakened by Venus and breaks celibacy. Let’s take it a step further. Scorpio is a great example of sexual DISCIPLINE. That’s where Venus falls short, where the Moon can become too giving and vulnerable. « Le petit morte » is little death bc parts of the brain that regulate fear shut down during orgasm. Letting go. Scorpio is Death in Tarotstrology Mars needs a set of conditions in order to be vulnerable because Sidereal Aries/Scorpio live with their guard up. So yes, we can say Mars is sexual, and that Mara get minimized. But, again, celibacy means being picky about who you f*ck. Mars needs to feel safe during sex. You cannot have an orgasm (Scorpio) when you don’t feel safe and comfortable with the person you’re f*cking (Mars). This is why Mars is celibate. I’m a Jyestha rising and I have yet to f*ck bc I simply don’t trust y’all. Period. Lmfao it’s just not gonna happen.

Venus breaks Mars sexual discipline through lust. Scorpio/Mars seeks a deeper connection especially when in Vedic it gets correlated to the 8H. I explain the 8H here. The 8H can only be fulfilled sexually when there is a deep, spiritual connection. Moksha.

And the letting go is moksha. A lot of planets work in components but again I was just speaking on the moon and again what EYE do but this is a great conversation to have. I’m still gon use the moon as primary. Mars gets too much in the sex category when there’s variances. So in the end Mars should really be checked if you’re tryna commit. If you’re not I wouldn’t really bother but there’s nothing wrong with checking it anyway to get the sex “drive” part. I’m not tryna commit to everyone so I will be using the moon since the moon was f*cking a LOT. And again celibacy/abstinence is “I’m waiting for the right person”

6/16/2023 at 1:14am

The 8H being sex and the house of letting go/loss makes sense. It’s not for you to have control. Letting go and not holding back makes the orgasm better. It makes life better when you let it go. Stop holding on. There’s more and better where that came from.

9/30/23 @ 8:56pm

Mars loves Capricorn bc it is Cardinal like it’s preferred sign Aries. But, Aries is Yang, Capricorn is Yin, meaning there’s control Mars has here to get things done. It can slow down bc of Capricorns institutional, but moveable nature from Earth. A force to be reckoned with.

Sidereal Capricorns are many things, but fools? Not one of them. Never real be. I will always have a high respect for them because they’re the reason why wisdom exists. Harsh? Yes. But you’re still alive to learn from them.

Also why I love Shravanas, actually. They’re very smart and know what they’re doing. Anytime I need help, I call a Shravana. They’re one of the only people I take advice from. I don’t trust anyone else with important decisions. And this is coming from me being Jyestha.

03/04/24 @ 12:58am

Mars is very independent. It’s a beautiful thing to have their own space. Mars representing celibacy is knowing nobody can have them. People want them, but do they want you? Lmfaooo. That’s the bigger question. Mars can do everything. Wants to do everything. Who the fuck are you? God? The Mars sign Aries exalts the Sun that represents God. So who are you again?

Don’t question a Sidereal Martians want for independence. Mars thrives in the sign of Capricorn. The place where Saturn deprives in order to feed what is necessary. It does well in the joy of the 6H. The 6H of work and effort. The house of things you don’t want to do. Without you? They thrive. They can surely do without you.

Mars is celibate because there’s nothing you can do that they can’t already do for themselves. You better add onto or be without them. You must earn. You must show your scars. Can you handle the road ahead. Do you deserve the energy that put into what’s precious to them? If you do. You’ll feel lighter on your feet when you earn their keep. They’ll give you what you need when you have something to give.

Unfortunately. You never answered my question..who the fuck are you?
