The Numerology of 2, 11, 222, and 2222 Using Astrology

Again, watch my YouTube video on my channel for you to gain an understanding as well. This article is complimentary and expands on things that I may have missed in the video.


2 is Cancer energy. This is connection, reciprocation, understanding. To be in this zone is to take a look at where you want to go in this part of your life. Who do you want to be around? Who do you want to be with? What are you connecting with the most in your life? What you surround yourself with is a reflection of who you are. Who your friends are are reflections of you. If you don’t like them, it’s probably something you need to heal about yourself if you keep them around despite that.


11 is the “Master Number” 🙄 I’m sorry this is my soul number so like yeah but this misconception that having “Master Numbers” means you’re better than everyone is giving puke in mouth. Anyway. 

The number 11, for me, is all about knowing that one is already whole, and is looking for other people to compliment this energy. The 1s of the Sun are there. The Sun is our individualism. With 2 energy being the core of 11, this is the Sun and the Moon coming together, making this a New Moon, or a Full Moon, depending on how you see phases. The New Moon is the Sun and Moon conj, and the Full Moon is the Sun and Moon opposing. You have the right to know whether or not energy is complimenting you, or downright bringing you away from who you are. This is the number of the alchemist. You have to learn to separate what is and isn’t for you based on the relationships you have with others.


The important part of this cycle of numbers is ofc, the reductions:

222= 2 + 2 + 2 = 6

2= Moon/Cancer

6= Venus

This is a number I commonly see myself, so I have a personal answer to this. This is the number of self care. Cancer energy can become to a point where they spend more time on other people than themselves. Because of this, they miss out on the Venusian portion of life, which is caring for self. Taurus is exalted in the Moon portion, so make sure that you are resting and taking care of yourself. You cannot help anyone if you cannot help yourself.


2222= 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8

2= Moon/Cancer

8= Saturn/Capricorn

This is where we get into opposite energy, actually. I just notice when you add 4 digit numbers, they’ll always add up to the opposition of a number. In this case, we have 8, which is Capricorn energy, and 2, which is Cancer energy. This number encourages you to find longevity in connections. There’s some bonds you’ve had that have had its time, and it’s time to let go to find new, and better people. People come and go, but you remain in your own wholeness. Be patient if you feel lonely. Theres some people that are not worth your time to be place fillers for the real bonds that you want. 

My Index has the rest of the numerology you need:
