Yes, There’s Numerology, But There’s Also Gematria

So on Twitter back in 2020 I covered this already, but I never made it an article, so let’s go! Basically, each word carries a numeric code. Words of the same numeric code usually have some similarities. This is what Gematria basically is. These numbers are calculated using a Cypher. A Chypher is numeric values given to each letter. There are a LOT of cypher names, but I just use the Jewish system:

Here’s two calculators you can use for Gematria:


So what I do is I just write down words and highlight what words link, here’s some examples. I’ll be using the ones I have posted on Twitter. Since then I learned a lot, so I’ll be adding here and there:

Uranus and Salty both have the Gematria of 611, in which Uranus has Ammonia, which can be a salt. Also, the misclassification made by Pliny about Ammonium Chloride because he was describing Sea Salt, gave Ammonia and Ammonium their names. On top of this, there’s a Theory that Uranus has a salt core. Ammonia is found in rainwater, and Uranus as etymology means “Rain Maker” and also “Urninate”. The kidneys actually secrete Ammonia through, pee!

Gemini and Fire share the Gematria of 100. Castor and Pollux are the twins for the symbolism of Gemini. They both ride on Horses, which are Horse Twins, which kinda reminds me of the Ashwini Kumars of the Fire Nakshatra, Ashwini! Their father is the furry, Jupiter God, Zeus. They were also Patrons for St. Elmo’s Fire where lightening can hit the rod like object on a boat!

Anahata and Alcohol have the same Gematria of 152. Y’all love chakras but may have not known that Anahata is the proper word for the Heart Chakra. So now we are about to get a bit medical. Anahata rules over the endocrine system and the thymus. The Endocrine system is basically your hormone system. The Thymus is in front of your heart and helps out with your T Cells.  Usually people drink to feel something. 

Lemon, Emerald, and Calamari have the etymology of 145. Emerald represents Cancer energy. Cancer represents shellfish, which are more than just crab, but also mollusks like Octopus, which are Calamari. Also, who don’t like a bit of Calamari with Lemon LMFAOOOO.

Also Beyoncé made Lemonade about Jay-Z. Her engagement ring is an Emerald Cut ring. Melanin is also 145 and this was when she started to show off a lot of cultural history during this era of her life.

Melanin and Lemon share the same energy because Lemons are solar energy. Dark spots on the sun seem dark, but they’re brighter than the stars in the sky. Beautiful 💚

A Lemon defect dated back to the 20th century, reduce this number and you get 2, which is Cancer energy. Emeralds are Cancer’s birth stone!

Plains and Steel have the same Gematria of 220. You notice how Plains have that steel windpump like Courage The Cowardly Dog? Well, there you have it! Windpumps bring energy to this area and are used to pump out water, and are made of steel! Poop also has the Gematria of 220 and you smell that manure in Plains a LOT. 

Garden and Green share the Gematria of 137. Need I say more? Gardens are primarily Green!

I’ll be making this a series. These are just examples! Just start writing down numbers and go in with those two calculators to get your result, or, do them manually!

Tai 💚
