Connecting With Your Ancestors Using Astrology

On my Patreon I’ve been covering each sign in the 4H and other placements how this relates to your ancestors. Be sure to become a Patron for more benefits:

4H article in general is here:

There’s many ways to connect ancestrally using your chart. These few ways can actually bring you closer to understanding ancestral trauma that comes with it as well. When you’re making it a focal point to understand where you and your relation to your ancestors, you may want to take a look at a few things:

  • Saturn

  • The 4H

  • Your D40 Chart (Maternal lineage)

  • Your D45 Chart (Paternal lineage)

  • Ketu

  • Moon

These aspects actually help you determine a few things. First off, Saturn is an elder. It brings upon lessons, but did you know that those blockages are actually coming from some things your ancestors already experienced? This is the “been there, done that” planet that already knows the pain you’re going through? Why so? Because pain and trauma, which is Saturnian in nature, is carried this way. To understand this we must understand what is a natal chart in the first place. Your chart came to be because of being birthed from a womb. Because of this womb birthing that comes from your mother or parent, there is lineage there, an imprint of this parents cumulation and manifestation to make who you are in the first place. When you understand this, you’ll start to understand that your birth chart is merely a piece of that very parent and their own manifestation of their own energy, transferred into you. I got this piece inspiration awhile back from someone on tumblr talking about how our chart are how our parent felt about our birth and what they were experiencing. This information helps us understand not only ourselves, but them. So, why can’t we understand our ancestors through this very system? Saturn is also ruled by time where with wisdom, should come time. Timelines aren’t as straightforward as you may think. This is why Saturn does so well in the 12H is because of the ability to understand how much time (Saturn) can be an illusion (12H). This is also why your past, current, and future life are all happening at the same time, and why you are your ancestors, and how they live within you. When you reminisce about trauma from the past it’s as if you’re living it in your present moment because of that timelines overlapping.

08/13/2023 update:

Saturn really deals with the ancestral trauma and generational curses we all deal with. This may not be something you’ve felt from family, but something you may even be carrying with you due to your lineage. There’s a lot of people in your bloodline, so you never know what you’re carrying until you ask or check in with yourself. More than likely, your family members have been through the same thing.

Full interpretations are exclusively on my Patreon:

Saturn 1H: One may have felt like they weren’t good enough when it comes to family. A generational issue you may be dealing with is linked with the insecurity of not being enough.

Saturn 2H: Feeling financially held back and traumatized is something you may experience when it comes to your family. You may have an issue with trauma bonding when it comes to money because of the fear of losing it all.

Saturn 3H: Feeling like your ideas were never enough probably caused you to second guess your own abilities. Being able to learn and refine your ideas based on how life shifts is how you evolve. The slightest bit of disappointment shouldn’t shake that.

Saturn 4H: Not being able to have you to yourself may have been a problem. Being forced to grow up early to deal with adult life before you were even ready was probably a thing as well. This is a situation where you had higher standards projected on you than other people.

Saturn 5H: FUN??? In your household??? Probably not! You probably were told to pursue something more serious and steady, possibly stripping you or your own creativity. It probably is hard for you to get out of black and white thinking because you were told if it doesn’t make sense, it cannot possibly be valuable.

Saturn 6H: Speaking of work, aren’t y’all tired of doing that? Having to prove yourself based on how much you do isn’t doing much for you at all. You may have come from a family that is used to breaking their backs to maintain something only to get caught in a rat race they can’t get themselves out of.

Saturn 7H: Learning how to keep the right bonds may be important for you. As with anything in life, some bonds aren’t worth the energy based on the time we spend with people. Giving that many people that sort of lenience is a disservice to yourself.

Saturn 8H: Spending habits are going to be key from you. You may have been a family that was scared that you would miss out on something if you didn’t spend. The contrary to this is that even though money may have not been lost, in your day and age, every penny counts, and you weren’t taught frugality during an economic time where money was more available.

Saturn 9H: Don’t be afraid of new experiences. You may came from a family that didn’t do much. Didn’t venture out or try new things. Because of this, you may stay in your bubble or level of comfort zone that allows you the safety. The Sun finds joy in the 9H, and it can be an ego killer to find out you’ve been wrong about certain things.

Saturn 10H: High expectations can cause you to fold under pressure if you’re not careful. You may have come from a family that was expected of you to do everything even if that means forsaking what seemed to be unimportant.

Saturn 11H: Friendship and aspirations may be hard for you. Your family may have had terrible community/support/friends. People bringing you down is only going to regress your further if you’re not careful.

Saturn 12H: Your Saturn is in joy here. You may understand how to go about things better than others. Your ancestors may have figured it all out, and gave you the keys. Moving through your life, don’t doubt what you know. Instead, think more about what you can do with what you’ve learned.

This leads me to the 4H, which is ancestral in nature due to this house representing family. When you’re thinking about family life, think about your family and how you were brought up. This is apart of your lineage, good or bad. The good are Ancestral strengths, the bad are Ancestral curses you need to undo. To find this, you much check out the duality of the sign of your placement, and also the ruler of that house (ex. Aries = Mars) to find out what this means. The 4H is the lowest part of our chart. In a sense, our lower selves give way to the sensitivities about life, and is an accumulation of what our ancestors went though emotionally, unchecked. The bottom half of the chart is the Du’uat place, where this is the afterlife in Egyptian mythology.

Ketu is where you’ll find out what your ancestors can teach you. Ketu ruled Nakshatras are found in Fire ruled placements and are represented by troupes of the ancestors. This can also show why in order for keep the ancestors lively with power, we give them alcohol. This also can show why burning ancestor money helps them receive income. This also makes sense as to when we give them alcohol, it feeds them energy. Alcohol is firey in energy 🔥

Ketu is represented by these Nakshatras as I’ve written in my “All About Ketu” article found here

Ashwini is represented by the Kumars, which actually extends an olive branch to people who need help. The best thing about this is that they are very wise, and are healers. They restore people from the dead and have brought someone back from the dead ancestors. Again, having experience with medicine that can help people. Ketu has a power to heal very well, because of lessons learned through many lifetimes to do so. Ashwini is Aries energy in which being a physician (physical) is apart of them. They also slay darkness, as Aries represents fire.

Magha is represented by Pitris, which represents ancestors. It’s a metaphor for how ancestors never die, they’re old and experienced, and continue to live without a body, but also lives within us as beings, as bodies.

Mula is the energy in which is represented by Nirrti, which is cosmic disorder and sacrifices. This cosmic disorder comes from the fact that Ketu is the only one who knows how to solve this with the older and knowing nature and is the older (Ketu energy) sister of Lakshmi, which is one of fortune. Nirrti is the energy in one much one must go through hardship in order to experience the lessons.

Your D40 chart explains your Maternal lineage. This chart can be found two ways, by finding your divisional charts on the Cosmic Insights app, or by using the Harmonic Charts plugin on Either way works but Astro won’t give you the Nakshatras, which is pretty key in Vedic Divisional Charts. You wanna use this chart to find out about the women in your family that are alive or deceased on your Mothers side. Your D45 chart explains your Paternal lineage. You want to use this chart to find out about the men in your family that are alive or deceased on your Fathers side. These are good for mapping out what generational curses your family is dealing with and how to heal them. Instead of just using your 4H which maps out a small piece of relativity, you can use the D40 and D45 chart for deeper insight. If you don’t know your momma or your daddy this can still be used to figure out how to put the missing pieces together.

Here’s a video on how to pull a D40/D45 Chart:

Hope y’all enjoyed and Happy Juneteenth 💚

08/16/2023 Update:

The Moon is the Mother wound. Your Mother not only carried you, but carried burdens as well. There’s a lot about our own emotions that comes from the maternal lineage. If you do or don’t not like your mom, there’s a lot you can learn from here to strengthen your intuition, your emotions, and your journey based on where she fell short. It’s human, we all fall short in some ways.

Full interpretations are on my Patreon:

Sidereal Aries Moon: Your mother may have been unable to protect herself growing up. Learning to temper between where your mother didn’t speak out at all vs knowing when to call something out is a skill to master.

Sidereal Taurus Moon have come from a mother that didn’t stick to what was right for her. There is a way of having standards that doesn’t sacrifice the overall, longterm goal. But settling for next best means knowing that that is not a final destination.

A Sidereal Gemini/Virgo Moon child is just a symptom of an emotionally repressed mother who discarded her feelings in exchange for survival through intelligence.

For the Gemini Moon: There needs to be a line drawn in the sand. A boundary so you are able to establish what is right for you, but you are curious to find the answers to what you want happening in your life.

For the Virgo Moon: Loosen up! Taking everything seriously will cause you to lose out on the most important answers found in simplicity.

The Sidereal Cancer Moon: Your mom probably wasn’t ready to be a mother. She probably lacked the nurturance needed to make sure your needs were met. You don’t have to be caring to people who aren’t doing nothing for you.

Sidereal Leo Moon: You may have a mother who wasn’t confident in herself. Her want to appease others may led to the protection of you being more independent and self sufficient. You’ll have to learn that even tho you stand alone, a lot of people benefit from what you do and show appreciation through how you inspire them.

Sidereal Libra Moon and the want to maintain peace because the mother had no control over her problems. Sometimes you’ll have to learn that you’re not going to be agreeable and digestible to everyone.

Sidereal Scorpio Moon: The mother may have made movements that caused her to lose out on a lot. She told everyone her business. You may have to learn how to trust in this lifetime, and know who to trust.

Sidereal Sagittarius/Pisces Moon children may have grown up with a mom that had the brains, but not necessarily the experience necessary to move things forward like she wanted to.

For Sag Moon: Make sure you’re digesting everything before you make a move. Not everything is going to be worth the time you spent on it.

For Pisces Moon: You will sometimes have to ask yourself “why am I doing this” and use those actions towards digging yourself out of a hole and getting back on track.

The Sidereal Capricorn Moon child may have grown up with a mom who wish she had more boundaries in her life. You’re going to have to learn how to not always close yourself off to certain things. That’s not always how you’re going to learn.

The Sidereal Aquarius Moon child may have been from your mama feeling a bit basic and bored and wish she was different and challenged the ways of life. Learn that it’s a contraction to be different and get upset when people are different from you, no matter how basic they are.

8/13 tweet: Venus being sex, reincarnation, and revival through sex is the reason why Saturn loves Venus. Saturn is the lineage, elders, ancestors. Another reason why procreation from love for each others beauty is why you’re here. Why we carry a piece of their beauty after they pass.

12/23 tweet: The creator of the common ancestor, Charles Darwin, had a Venus in Uttara Bhadrapada. A Venus exaltation in Pisces, Venus 5H joy, Venus directly conj his IC angle (the angle of family) that was transposed in his 5H, and under a Saturn Nak. He also had Venus trine Saturn with Saturn being in his 1H.

Tai 💚
