Sextrology and Compatibility

Everyone things that there’s a certain house to represent sex. Some say the 5H because of fun and pleasures, some say the 7H because of unity can mean a number of things, and some say the 8H (which I’ll give a longer description of why because it’s a bit more complicated). The reality is, sex can manifest in any house and how you interact with someone sexually as far as Synastry goes. Let’s give a brief rundown shall we?

This can be looked at two ways 

Planets/Angles in your or their houses


Your own placements or signs that are ruling those houses! Mix it up! Planets only emphasize the energy, but you have every sign and house, so you can get as detailed as you want!

1H: This is the kind of sex that is based on attraction to the person. You can get a sense of an instant connection with this person and based on where your 1H is in their house or where their 1H is in your house will show what brought you to them in the first place. Planets to this place will add characteristics to how you both are attracted to each other. This is the placement where you really want to sexually jump on them because sex cannot be that fulfilling if there’s no attraction!

Planets/Angles in your or their 2H: This is the more possessive type of sex where there can be a sense of ownership to this person. This person can be the dominant factor in how they want you to be during sex. Good luck trying to do what you want during sex, or any sort of brat behavior, they’re going to disciple you for that! This house is ruled by the neck so there can be a want to be choked in this house or a “whose pussy/dick is this” type of energy.

Planets in your or their 3H: This can be a sexual relationship where there’s a lot of communication. Phone sex, FaceTime, sexting, or lots of talking during sex. You feel comfortable telling them what you want. Can be a possible lots of laughing and random moments when you both are talking about whatever during sessions. Some people are just like that when it comes to sex!

Planets/Angles in your or their 4H: This can be that sneaky link you have! Someone you keep on the low because they’re solely for sex. They’re not someone you’ll put in the light or let anyone know you’re messing with them in the first place. This is the house of the private life, and they only really know you on that level because they’ve reached parts of you not many have.

Planets/Angles in your or their 5H:

This is the fun sex! This is the sex that makes you feel like you’re still young and in love. It’s a childish type of love that’s not really serious. You both are just enjoying each other for what it’s worth, not thinking much about commitment or anything like that.

Planets/Angles in your or their 6H:

This can be you or them aim to please the other. You more than likely put your own needs last in exchange for theirs. You’ll go out of your way to make sure they get there by any means. This can be a house full of stamina as well as this is the house of consistency and more routine type of work.

Planets/Angles in your or their 7H:

This is a very long term sexual relationship. You always find yourself right back with this person. You also may be someone who likes to have sex with people you have history with or people you have a strong connection to you. You both honor each other sexually and things just, work out! You both compliment each other in a number of ways, even if you both happen to be opposites that became magnetized to each other.

Planets/Angles in your or their 8H:

This is the type of bond that can have its ups and downs. This can also be a sign of a trauma bond in which you have to learn about the karmic energy you experience. This bond can last as long as you both aren’t using each other as a dumping ground sexually when you need them to understand what you’re going through, and learn to use your sexual energy to heal each other instead of making each other worse.

Planets/Angles in your or their 9H:

This can be a long distance relationship or one where you both have sex in different places. I can see a bit of public sex and just being overall daring. There’s a sense of innocence in this house because there’s a want to explore more about each other, wondering how far you both can go with each other to reach higher heights.

Planets/Angles in your or their 10H:

This can be a bossy type energy, similar to the 2H, but difference is this can be a power struggle house, or one that brings power into your own divinity. There’s a certain air about this house that gives high maintenance energy, or a person that everyone knows you’re fucking jejsjsj. It can be one of those energies where you gotta be careful, there can be some kissing and telling here!

Planets/Angles in your or their 11H:

This is the friend you be fucking on. This is a really friends with benefits house where there is absolutely NO romantic anything involved. This can also be someone you share common friendly interests with and you both just happen to be attracted to each other 

Planets/Angles in your or their 12H:

This can be someone who knows your body better than you, so be careful of that! They can either use this to manipulate you, or openly help you understand yourself. Which is the goal. This is the house of hidden enemies, but we can also translate this energy of finding hidden traumas and triggers within you!

Also, here’s some sex asteroids I covered 2 years ago!

I’ll type this list as well for accessibility purposes:

Eros (443): Sexual interests

Lust (4386): Speaks for itself

Pan (4450): If you know about Pan— 🍆

Nymphe (8743): Sexual desire in Hinduism

Bacchus (2063): Orgies 👅

Hope that helped! Started a sexual deep dive into Sexual energy starting with the first house coving how this may be handled based on sign that will be on my Patreon by the end of next week! This will be a 12 part Patreon Exclusive Series of course!

Tai 💚
