Atlantis: The Asteroid of Discovery, And Floods

This is from an old thread of mine on Twitter I found today! Enjoy 💚

***=Updated commentary from 2021

Alright so in asteroid astrology, Atlantis (1198) is where things are exposed and brought to the light. In sidereal, it’s in Gemini, and it’s currently trining Mars, the planet of action.......🌞 again, expect to see more truths come up out of the woodworks.

We have sidereal Aquarius mars which is that of upheaval trine a Sidereal Gemini Atlantis. Atlantis is also the asteroid of the new age. Put those two together, and the truth will be forced out.

Hmmmmmm. This also has to do with floods as well and I see it squaring Lilith. Maybe some tides/lunar activity especially when the moon enters sidereal Libra and makes it a grand trine. That’s just a theory. I feel like emotional tensions can get thicker as well.

The eclipse is gonna bring some heat but once it hits tropical Capricorn moon/Sidereal Sag moon, when shit may pick up. I was just called to look up the asteroid and see what’s going on.

I can also see water activity during tropical cap moon/sidereal sag moon season. Idk how tf but at this point 2020 said “fuck it”

Again just a theory. Atlantis is too damn close to the action for any of this to be going unmissed. This particular one has always interested me based on what is contained within it. Either we getting tea or the tea water bout to spill over on land.

Atlantis rules over hurricanes as well and I asked myself “hmm, ain’t it hurricane season?” And I got this:

***This SS accurately depicts what I saw as June 1st where the hurricane tweets I made got resurfaced during that month and beyond. Not all tweets made after the June 1st point were made on June 1st. Some maybe June 13th and beyond, ofc. The archive won’t tell me exact only when the thread broke apart by month I’m guessing.


We having Atlantis dropping in an opposition to the moon post eclipse season. Stay safe and again I hope I’m wrong! Always be safe out here in these times. We just never know at this point.

I’ve been peeping a lot of flash floods in the south lately. Stay safe 💚

Actually I’m starting to see floods globally now that I’m looking 😭

 stay safe y’all I feel like we bout to be seeing more water when the moon hits sidereal Gemini/Tropical Cancer.

Wait....It’s gonna be a solar eclipse—

Chyle 🥴🥴🥴

The solar eclipse is coming on the 20th. Hopefully no major flooding like I’m seeing during the season where it can happen. Stay safe.

Moon square Atlantis, these cell towers..Wait till the shit conj Atlantis during the solar eclipse. Summ goin down.

Atlantis is in sidereal Gemini which is mercury/communication squaring Aries moon, in which Aries/Mars represents war. Communicative war.

This solar eclipse bout to be on some other shit either then or a bit after.

***Then my prediction turned out to be correct:

Returning to this thread:

During the eclipse were situations with fireworks and noise complaints and using that to keep the black community on edge for when things were really going to go down. The eclipse was in sidereal Gemini (communication) and Atlantis was in the same house.

Be mindful, stay alert. I brought up communicative war for a reason, and with this eclipse, I feel like this is what is unraveling. This won’t be violent, but psychological. Mars is in sidereal Pisces. Stay grounded y’all. I feel like that’s why I been on y’alls asses about it.

Hidden flood risk, Atlantis is now in sidereal Cancer. Cancer rules tidal activity, Atlantis rules over floods and HIDDEN things that become uncovered:

I’m gonna keep an eye out for this asteroid especially since it’s in a water house and sidereal Cancer season is coming up as well.

Lmfaooo wait am I a meteorologist or some shit why when the moon came back to Sag Newport Beach flooded.

***Then I started giving updates on my predictions

Here’s something recent with Atlantis I did on April 4th, exactly 1 month ago! Posted my IG (IG: @taisoleil) highlight on YouTube
