The Universe is Nonbinary, Not Your Manifestation Of Being A Basic Ass, Binary Being.

***Warning, opinions are occurring. I’ve deducted based on my own reasoning based on spiritual context. You don’t have to agree! Your reality and my reality doesn’t have to coincide because I don’t give a shit :)

You know how everybody says that Gender is Binary? You can also correlate it to 1= Man, Adam and 0= Woman, Eve in the Matrix because Binary reminds me of Binary Code, but we are missing one crucial part to how the universe functions. The background, the blank slate? That is not “womb” energy. It is void, non-binary energy. Womb energy is an energy that produces from darkness, but what is darkness itself? Who is God? Can God truly be all if they are “Man” or “Woman”? No, that is limiting. God is not a he. Woman didn’t create Man and Man didn’t create Woman. If you’re a science believer “Primordial Soup” did, which is still Man nor Woman! If “Woman” is the destructive, dark counterpart of “Man” which is a creator, and God is the Creator and Destroyer, then why would they be Man? They wouldn’t! They would be non-binary! The all encompassing energy of God is all that can be. God is within us, they are Gender Fluid. Non Binary energy tends to get discounted a lot. Many people would say that Non-binary people can’t be Godlike, and that isn’t true. God is within ALL of us. God can take on many forms, and be no form at all, and with that, makes non-binary energy.

Non-binary energy is neutral just like Mercurial energy. When we unpack the Nakshatras of Gemini, we get Soma, Aditi, and Rudra. When we unpack the Nakshatras of Virgo, we get Arayaman, Savitur, and Tvastar. Aditi is the personification of unconsciousness. If you’re unconscious, by definition, there’s no awareness of self, but that doesn’t mean you don’t exist. You just are, just being. It’s like when we are babies and how gender wasn’t a thing, we just were. We were taught how to become a binary, when that shouldn’t really have been the goal as it has effected some of why women don’t do certain things and why men feel like they have to maintain an act that they aren’t. The Gods have genders so we could be reminded of who we are and to help us better understand, but in this day and age, it’s time for us to understand that they are more than that and we are all of them. Aditi is also primeval, which is Primordial! Primordial soup! Rudra is the distraction at the moment of disillusion. Disillusion is the dissolving of self. When there is no self, there is no gender, just energy, just vibes. They also hold a Trisuhula which is similar to a triad like The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Though, the Holy Spirit is not the Father nor Son. Notice how the Holy Spirit takes on no gender characteristic, because they have none! God can be the Father or Son, but also can be neither. Ganesha threw his tusk at Soma so he could never be whole again. That sounds like a non binary energy to me. Excluding the metaphor to the the phases of the moon for now, nonbinary as an energy energy lacks “wholeness” and takes on many phases that isn’t just one singular being. The moon has many phases. It’s like that with a lot of planets taking on the diversity of zodiac signs. We as people, as vessels, take on masculine, feminine, and non binary energy. Our mere existence, from my understanding, is non binary. Though, how we choose to express ourselves has the passive and active stages. Meditation to me is a sense of non binary energy. You’re not creating nor destroying, you just, are. Space and life is non binary energy. It’s not trying to do anything, it just. Is. It’s just who we are as people in general. Soma rules over all the Nakshatras because he is representation of its lunar phases, but again, to create something from what seems to be “nothing” one has to becoming all encompassing of all of their energies to create something else. Non binary is the none and the all at the same time. It’s unexplainable, just like immaculate conception. The Virgin is represented by Virgo, and Mother Mary looks like a Vagina! But, she never got pregnant, why is that? How can one create without being impregnated? That’s because non binary energy is unexplainable. It just, is. Sometimes it’s the “I don’t know why I did it, I just had to” energy is the same as well. We may have a source for why, but we had to become the all to see how far we could go in the first place. Savitur and Tvastar have suffix of -tr, which makes them creators and fashioners. You have to be all encompassing to do such a thing, which is non-binary at energy. Just creating with intention. Creating has no specific energy, it just is. It’s Primordial Soup energy.

When we think about the Sister signs of Mercury, we think about Jupiter ruled placements of Temperance (Sagittarius) and The Moon (Pisces). Temperance is mixing, like you were when you were in your mommas tummy baking. When you came out, you were given a gender, but you forget, you are the Father and the Mothers reflection of you. You came from both, so in a sense, as your own identity, you’re neither “Man” nor “Woman” until you were given that title. “They’re a Girl” “They’re a Boy” now if nobody knew your gender, you would be called a “They”! Gender became a construct of how someone should behave, and there’s nothing wrong with identifying with a binary, BUT, sometimes we go so hard for gender that we forget that we are all collectively human “be”ings, which is very non binary. You’ve expressed non-binary energy and didn’t even know it. The want to do things because you feel called has no gender. It seems immaculate like Mary, your higher self feels like a Spirit, like the Holy Spirit that is within all of us. I realize this is how I came into my non binary energy overtime. This happened because of my spiritual journey. Do I have a womb? Yes. Do I honor that womb? Of course! But I identify with my spirit, the disillusioned me, more than identify with how people interpret my flesh. That’s all we non-binary people are, just existing and not using gender to limit who we are. Though, it doesn’t matter how you identify, take a page out of our books and use this in your daily life. No expectations, just living.

Pro Tip: If you have a non-binary child, call them your Mercury since that is a Neutral planet 🥰 I made this tweet before I just can’t find it but yeah. Happy Pride!

Tai 💚
