Gemini In Tarotstrology 🌈✨🦄


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Gemini is represented by The Lovers. Many ask, “What does that have to do with Gemini” Well, didn’t Eve come from Adams rib? Wouldn’t that make them the same person, just split in two? This card is more than love, but the unity and Understanding of self.

Many think this card shouldn’t really be about love, but in Vedic Astrology, the Mithuna is represented by Gemini. Mithuna means twins, and represents sexual unity and divine creation! This is why it’s very important to not judge a card by its sign until you develop a well rounded understanding of mythology, which helps you understand symbology far beyond Tarot.


Gemini Sun is represented by the 10 of Swords.

Reason being is that Gemininis considered the more nervous energy of Mercury. Swords represent communication, and what happens when your thoughts overflow? They tend to overwhelm you. That’s what this card means as a metaphor.

This card reminds me of the Sun being in conjunction with Mercury, as these two planets can be close together. The Sun “burns” Mercury, causing the planets energy to perform erratically if too close. This is why there is swords in this persons back. Gemini energy can be overwhelmed with what is going on around them, and burn out when it comes to having to feel like they have to know everything. They try to create a database of life to a point where they can lose sight of themselves if they’re not aware of what is and isn’t relevant. The Sun is the body, the driving force for a reason! Only take in what is relevant.


The Gemini Moon is a combo of The High Priestess + The Lovers.

Intuitively these people can see two points of every situation, though it can be hard to see where you stand in situations because you are constantly being pulled in many directions. Based on this, this can be the want to connect with others to gain an understanding. These are cards of high perception. It’s easy for them to be able to 

put two and two together. Their fast retention rate grants them the ability to think quick on their feet, never really having to be told once about things due to a good memory. They’re understanding folk that can see why people feel the way they do.


Gemini Mercury is a combo of The Magician + The Lovers.

It’s you constantly learning where you fit in certain respects of your life. You’re someone who wants to pursue many things, but you’re not sure how to properly satisfy both aspects without feeling like something is missing. This means that people with this placement are able to connect with different types of people. There’s nobody that necessarily strikes them as weird, as they can find relatability with almost anyone. They are pretty open minded and accepting of different individuals. As long as they can learn from you, they’ll be apt to listen to you. They love to learn things and can be a jack of all trades.


Gemini Venus is The Empress + The Lovers

You want someone who understands and accepts you for who you are. You’re not the most judgmental, often seeing people as curious about life as you like people who are somewhat different from you. It makes life more fun! A lot of these people are picky about who they spend time with. Quite contrary to Gemini Mercury, they’re picky about who they speak to. It’s not because they don’t like others, but you have to have a certain mindset in order for these types to be comfortable around you. Venus is all about comfort. They like environments where they don’t have to explain why they think the way they do. They just want acceptance and understanding without having to go lengths to get people to understand.


Gemini Mars is the 9 of Swords.

You’re always second guessing yourself due to knowing you have a good idea, but a part of you feels like something is going to go wrong I’d you were to pursue it. You overthink yourself into not really acting on much of anything! This is because Gemini takes on the jittery energy that comes from Mercurial energy. It can be overwhelming for Mars to be here because though thoughts and action maintain each other, it can cause a Gemini Mars to second guess whether or not what they’re doing is right or not. Since they’re constantly in their head, they’ll easily be in their head about their actions, the possibilities, and the details of those actions.


Gemini Jupiter is the 8 of Swords.

It’s about you learning that your ideas need to expand. You have to learn from Sag/Jupiter (your counterpart) energy to expand your ideas instead of keeping them bottled up. Being stagnant will get you nowhere you want to be in life. Gemini Jupiter is an interesting paradox, and one of my favorite cards. Because of this representation, we have energy here that can be stagnant. This is because Gemini is in detriment here. Jupiter thinks big while Mercury things in more bite sized chunks. The 8 of Swords person can easily get overwhelmed with life if one isn’t careful. It’s not that you are limited, you just aren’t breaking down the big things into smaller, more digestible ways to get through.


Gemini Saturn is The World + The Lovers

You may feel unsatisfied in life. You tend to feel like things are incomplete when you did what you could. Remember that life will give you another chapter to implement your ideas you didn’t finish quite yet. There’s always much more to learn! This is a great example of playing devils advocate. Here we have Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve in hell after being tempted. This is the placement that can be a bit messy, or cunning if they’re smart. This is a person who knows the reality of what is going on around them, and using whatever resource to their advantage.

Hope you enjoyed! For more on your chart using Tarotstrology, check out my Tarotstrology service under “Tarot Services!”

Tai 💚
