Lessons from a Jupiter Dominant/Rahuvian/Pisces Me: What Optimism Really Is

Optimism is a beautiful trait. It helps us see perspective, what we want out of life regardless of the ugly that is surrounding us. For many, we look to optimism so we can find a false hope for ourselves, thinking that only positive thoughts create the reality you seek.

You are wrong, and that’s okay, being wrong creates an opportunity to innerstand and grow!

Optimsim doesn’t create a channel for good things to happen all the time. It’s to challenge your mind from thinking from a glass half empty situation, even when your optimism gets challenged again when trying to think positive! Optimism creates new channels to be created from stillness. When we create new channels, we create possibilities. This is a cosmic principle. There can be road blocks around you, but you will never be separated from spirit, which is always on your side rooting for you. However, there seems to be a toxic principle associated with this. Thinking purely that your positive thoughts create your reality discounts through notion of Chaos, which is random and will always be out of your control. It’s not always your fault, so never blame yourself for things you did not know or couldn’t prevent even if you tried. Be kind to yourself. Chaos can be calculated, but never predicted, that’s why it shares the realm with probability. Jupiter has a lot to do with gambling, and you cannot predict who will win in that game. That is the same with life in some way. It’s more probable you can create the life you want than gambling of course, but the obstacles/negative are the gamble. When road blocks happen, don’t always blame yourself. Life is random, it’s about knowing that you did your best, and that alone shows that you never gave up. Optimism is for you to have. Your own peace of mind that has nothing to do with you being rewarded based on positive thinking. It’s knowing there’s a possibility out there. It makes life exciting again, it makes you wonder, and feed your own curiosity. You may win, you may lose, but the optimist is just happy to be in the experience because life is all about living. I’m an overall optimist. I don’t know when my optimism breaks, I cannot predict that, because that is the gamble in life, so I don’t wait around for things like that.

Don’t forget to have fun! Be in the moment because moments don’t last as long as the memories do.

Tai 💚
