Medical Astrology: Me Version!


I’ve actually never talked about Medical Astrology on here before! Basically I had a stomach bug today for a full on 8 hours, and like an astrologer, you know I’m gon pull that chart up when I’m feeling better. Basically we’re gonna be talking about 3 asteroids

2405: Welch (vomiting from food poisoning)

71556: Page (IBS from food sensitivity I chalked down to Maltodexterin and my other food intolerances) basically what Maltodexterin is is an overprocessed, GMO, grain filler that is sweet. It spiked the GI, aka, the Glycemic Index and can cause a number of digestive issues

67055: Oppenheimer (IBS in a general sense)

Basically if you read the key, the red lines are squares while the blue lines are trines. The yellow lines are conjunctions. I got these asteroids from Martha Lang Wescott’s site who deals heavily with asteroids. It requires a membership to access them so I’ll be sharing what I know!

The first things you can notice is that there’s a lot of aspects to these planets 🥴 it’s not to say that these things are going to happen everything I experience them, but to the fact that these are merely predispositions to what I went through. Saturn in my 6H of illness is making a square to the transitioning Saturn and Sun. Saturn already brings obstacles, so it puts it into perspective of how it’s going to effect my body. It also represents the digestive system, so a big indication of why my shit was fucked up. The Sun is a representation of the physical body and the energetic being (disregarding the people who are saying the 1H in their head bc I have a Sun square ASC, pipe down) so it was taking an effect on my body. Jupiter is also conj both of those planets so you already know my stomach said:


Anyway taking a look at Page, I can see that I was dealing with some poisoning fr fr. If you can peep my Ashlesha article on here you can see how I mentioned how this Nakshatra can be the healer and the poisoner as well, and you can see that when Page is in this very Nakshatra along with having those Squares to my break Page and Welch. I always say Rahu is the consumption Nakshatra and with that alone my ass done threw up the Sun, LMFAOO it’s funny because Saturn (Chronos) is actually known for swallowing his kids and Rahu is too for the Sun/Son and eventually Cronos had to throw them back up, literally me with the Sun/Saturn/me puking my brains out to get rid of the poisson (Rahu and Page in Ashlesha). Reading my Ashlesha, Saturn, Capricorn, and Rahu articles on here will help you digest everything I’m saying! Play on words and mythology 💚

The 7H rules the small intestines and the buttocks so it explains the purging in the nether regions as well. Espeically since it’s also aspecting my natal Oppenheimer. I’m also having an Oppenheimer return. I haven’t had my IBS act up like this in awhile. My digestive issues started this month and this is where it hit its peak so skskksks. Oppenheimer is in my 5H, which represents the Stomach so that alone says a LOT. My natal Welch is also conj my Page natally and transit Page is conj my Oppenheimer. Whew. Page is in the 4H and conj Neptune as a transit and the only thing I can chalk that up to is Neptune (Fluids) being in the womb house (4H) showing I was on my period (towards the end) so I guess lmfao. Periods will contribute to the digestive system break dancing in your body bc them hoe ass hormones. Oh and Pluto (the planet that exposes and purge) was also making a trine to my Page and Welch and with that I just wanna:


Thanks for reading 😊
