The Astrology, Numerology, and Mythology Behind The 3 of Swords


Whew this article been in my drafts since January 18, 2020! Gotta get the cobwebs off this mf.

The 3 of Swords. Sometimes, words hurt us. The truth hurts us as well. It feels like swords being jabbed into our heart when we find out the reality of a situation. It is the same thing as when someone breaks down and tells us explicitly how they feel out of anger. It feels like knives to the chest. It’s the realization that brings you closer to what is, and what you deluded yourself to believe. This card is a Saturn in Libra card, where Libra is exalted in. It is the energy of Capricorn and Aquarius blending into this energy of Saturn, and Libra being able to use its scales to get to the heart of the manner.

To know more about Tarotstrology:

So I’m returning to this article bc there’s actually 1 recent music video and 1 show I been meant to talk about to represent what this is as far as the mythology, plus an anime I just thought about:

  • Doja Cats new music video “You Right” feat. The Weeknd

  • Midnight Gospel

  • Hunter x Hunter

What do these 3 have in common? Let’s get back into what the 3 of Swords is. You now know that the 3 of Swords is Saturn in Libra, but let’s explore further.

In Egyptian Mythology, the afterlife is Duat. In this realm, the heart is weighted. If the heart is lighter than a feather, then they’ll be able to go to Aaru, where this is basically considered Paradise/place of harvests. If the heart is heavier than a feather, then they were denied existence after death, and their soul gets eaten by Ammit, the devourer of souls.

The best way to see why Saturn also plays a role in this is because in Vedic Astrology Saturn is ruled by Aquarius, and one of the Nakshatras of Aquarius deals with Varuna, who deals with Justice and Laws. Also to reach the land of Aaru, is represented by crops and harvests, which Saturn also represents.

The 3 of Swords is about the realization that just because life is hurtful, you have to be honest about your situation. Swords represent honesty and in order to confront heartbreak, honesty about what you must do to move forward is actually the most healing part.

Remember how in Hunter x Hunter how Kurapikas special resolve was putting the chain to someone’s heart, called the Judgement chain, to determine if someone will be truthful or not? If they weren’t truthful, they would die. This is a play on the 3 of Swords, and the 3 of Swords works the same way. If you are honest about your pain, you will heal. Of you pretend you are fine, the pain will continue to stab you because you are not acknowledging what is hurting you in the first place. Again, the swords, the metal aspect, is that of truth and truth only. Honesty represents all the qualities that Air energy in the zodiac possesses.

In Midnight Gospel, the Jail episode. Everytime this particular inmate dies, the heart gets placed on a scale and has to reincarnate to do things correctly. The further they try their avenues, the lighter their heart gets. These planets next to the scales remind me of Jupiter. The 3 in the 3 of Swords is representing of Jupiter. Horus, is the Egyptian equivalent to Jupiter, and also resides in Duat and plays a role in the whole judgement process. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, which is the empathy portion so hence why they are crying. This Jupiter portion is just a theory ofc.

This leads me toooooooo..Doja Cat. So you see the post where she has a Libra symbol headdresss. She’s a Tropical and Sidereal Libra Sun. She also shows in the video where she has a heart on the scale, and weights on the other side. And based on what you know of Duat, this is why the heart was in the music video 😌💚

Hope you enjoyed!

Tai 💚
